I really enjoy all things DIY, and I'm fairly creative. I like to make things. I'm interested in nutrition and fitness. I eat cleanly and try to prevent the condition I call "Spread-Ass" from happening.
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Other like-minded, slightly bent individuals . . . . .
Mainly classic rock but lean towards grunge sometimes, a bit of metal, touch of blues, etc. Don't like rap, hip-hop, dance, country, r&b, thrasher, or that bubblegum stuff. I have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever save for my 4 note range but within those 4 notes, I'm brilliant I tell you, brilliant!
. .Conspiracy stuff always pulls me in. Don't care for slapstick (if I can see the joke coming, it's just not funny) or shoot 'em ups. No intelligence in those ones most of the time. I like stuff that stays knocking around in my brain for days afterwards. I don't go for the chickflicks or the sobfests.
I'm a Trekker. Yes, I actually admit it. One time I even went to ST convention as the hockey card show was next door and hubby really wanted to go to that. I killed time at the Star Trek show and lemme tell ya; you just haven't lived until Klingons have hit on you. Seriously; full battle regalia, business cards, language lessons...the Full Monty, baby! I laughed until I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head.
I also get into Corner Gas (Cdn show), e.r., Desperate Housewives, Puppets that Kill (another Cdn show)and any type of handyman, decorating, real estate or building show that happens to be on. Documentaries about space are also cool. Yup, I lean towards the geeky side of the scale.
Headcrusher Vs Facepincher
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Murder mysteries (always lured by the promise of a corpse), historical fiction, Uncle John's bathrooom reader series, conspiracy plots, and how-to's. No Harlequins or anything with some Fabio type on the cover. Blech.