Lesley profile picture


"It's all fun n' games 'till someone loses an eye; then it's freakin' hilarious!"

About Me

Well, what can I tell ya? I have a happy life in a happy little town. I've been married for 15 years and have a set of 10 year old fraternal twin boys who look remarkably like Skipper n' Gilligan. I am "a little left of centre" at times so you can never tell just what I'm gonna do or say next. Hell, I don't even know half the time. If you actually want to correspond with me, I'll be happy to add you as a friend. If you are merely collecting people for your friend portfolio, you can just keep on truckin'.
Just Some Random Questions!:
Random Questions
Whats your favorite season? Fall
How do you want to be remembered after you die? funny , loyal & kind
What's the main thing you want right now? central air conditioning
What three things couldn't you live without if you were stranded on a desert island? solid shelter, fruits & veggies, toilet paper
What's your favorite type of weather? sunny & about 17 degrees C
Has anyone hurt you recently? If so who? no.
Do you like to read? I get made fun of for always having a book in my hand
What kind of books do you like to read? Whodunnits, history, short stories, sci-fi, physics,
Favorite Authors? way too many to list
Favorite books? couldn't possibly choose. They change all the time.
Do like to drive fast? don't drive
Are you a night person or a morning person? Night.
What is your perfect paradise? watching a raging blizzard while I'm drinking a hot cup of tea & cozy inside the house.
What country or countries would you like to visit? the Scandinavian ones, the UK, Iceland, Australia (in the winter)
Are you for Capital Punishment? only for the most heinous crimes by the most heinous humans
Are you happy with the way our country is run? in most ways, I am. This is a damn fine country.
Do you believe in literal good and evil? no. We all have a mixture within us
Do you believe in the devil? no. Evil, or the potential for evil is within all of us.
Do you swear? yes but not profusely
Do you believe in the supernatural? no definitive answer. Logic says no but there have been some things happen....
Are you addicted to Myspace? I like it but I'm not addicted
Favorite stores to shop at? IKEA, Canadian Tire, any 2ndhand, consignment, junk or dollar store going. Bargains, deals, discounts!
What's your favorite holiday Hallowe'en
What's your favorite month? October & November. The heat is gone, people are burning their leaves (which smells great) and the nights are clear & crisp
What do you do when your stressed and need to unwind? read, watch tv, go on-line, clean out a closet or drawer
Does your curiosity get the best of you ever? All the time! It'll be my undoing someday, I'm sure of it.

My Interests

I really enjoy all things DIY, and I'm fairly creative. I like to make things. I'm interested in nutrition and fitness. I eat cleanly and try to prevent the condition I call "Spread-Ass" from happening. . . . . . . Toot-Tone

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I'd like to meet:

Other like-minded, slightly bent individuals . . . . .


Mainly classic rock but lean towards grunge sometimes, a bit of metal, touch of blues, etc. Don't like rap, hip-hop, dance, country, r&b, thrasher, or that bubblegum stuff. I have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever save for my 4 note range but within those 4 notes, I'm brilliant I tell you, brilliant!


. .Conspiracy stuff always pulls me in. Don't care for slapstick (if I can see the joke coming, it's just not funny) or shoot 'em ups. No intelligence in those ones most of the time. I like stuff that stays knocking around in my brain for days afterwards. I don't go for the chickflicks or the sobfests.


I'm a Trekker. Yes, I actually admit it. One time I even went to ST convention as the hockey card show was next door and hubby really wanted to go to that. I killed time at the Star Trek show and lemme tell ya; you just haven't lived until Klingons have hit on you. Seriously; full battle regalia, business cards, language lessons...the Full Monty, baby! I laughed until I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head. I also get into Corner Gas (Cdn show), e.r., Desperate Housewives, Puppets that Kill (another Cdn show)and any type of handyman, decorating, real estate or building show that happens to be on. Documentaries about space are also cool. Yup, I lean towards the geeky side of the scale. . . . . Headcrusher Vs Facepincher

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Murder mysteries (always lured by the promise of a corpse), historical fiction, Uncle John's bathrooom reader series, conspiracy plots, and how-to's. No Harlequins or anything with some Fabio type on the cover. Blech.

My Blog

It's the best of times, it's the worst of times

It's been about a year since we moved here (July 1st) and it's been great.  The kids are very happy & have made many new friends.  They actually enjoyed school (what nerds, eh?) and did ...
Posted by Lesley on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 12:16:00 PST

Hey, it doesn't suck!

As most of you know, I have a new job.  It's not the "career-building" job I have been aiming for.  It's not even full-time.  In fact, I may as well be in high school as I am ...
Posted by Lesley on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 12:16:00 PST

Someone needs a-killin' and his name's Murphy.

So, there I was on Saturday, happy in the knowledge that I would be politely  telling the Supe that I was outta there at the end of the week.  It was perfect timing because my paycheques so ...
Posted by Lesley on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:59:00 PST

Stick that fork in 'cos I'm sooo done.

No surprise here...Well, I gave it an honest shot and I'm terribly disappointed with my first foray back into the world of  full-time employment.  I've put in a month at the cesspool and I c...
Posted by Lesley on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 07:56:00 PST

Cesspool update

I've been at the new job for just over a week now and I have let it be known in no uncertain terms what my opinion of the place is.  From across the room in the banks department, some guy called ...
Posted by Lesley on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:26:00 PST

Ha Ha, the joke's on me!

Okay, remember how I described my new office?  Very upscale, tasteful and attractive.  I have so far avoided say what the job is because it's one of those types when you hear it, y...
Posted by Lesley on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 05:55:00 PST

Rubbing my hands in glee

What a great day!  I had to take the bus into downtown Hamilton today to register the flm's for the YMCA's after-school care program as I start my new gig on Monday.  I have never been right...
Posted by Lesley on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 06:18:00 PST

Take my teacups...PLEASE!

Many years ago, I was given a beautiful cup and saucer from my grandmother's collection.  It was just like her; refined and elegant, regal and tasteful.  A few years later, I was given&...
Posted by Lesley on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 12:07:00 PST

I'm baaack in the saddle again, I'm BAAACK...

Finally, I got a call back on one the 3 dozen resumes I have put out since the first week of September.  I was asked to come in for an interview to an office in Hamilton on Wednesday morning...
Posted by Lesley on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 10:03:00 PST

My rules for Hallowe'en

Okay, here's what I should be posting next to my front door next year:                        &n...
Posted by Lesley on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 07:01:00 PST