Anime......Games......Interenet.......and hanging around with ppl.....
I like to meet people who aren't stuck up because really...those people tend to be annoying some really..they think they are so popular and blah blah blah! but i mostly like to meet people who are nice and fun to talk to and into Anime and games as much as i am...because anime and games are kinda my life...since i get really bored without it...and people that i can sit down and have a good conversation with...but meh....all i just wanna meet is people that is cool to hang out with...that's all...
Any type of music....that interest country please!!! and rap.....i hate rap....well only gangster rap....and thats about every rap....and pop music....execpt for J-Pop those songs are cool! An J-rock.....ahhh...we can't forget about them...oh no we can't...since they are cool...and all that fun stuff....... width="425" height="350" .. Something new my friend kinda showed me and i like the music video and the song itselfMaximum The Hormone cool Found this and I was like...."have to have it!"
Meh....anything that interest me...and that is know....comedy.... and video game movies that are good, not crappy like House of the Dead because it's not even base off the game...which is crap! Doom is a awesome movie though!
Anime.....and thats it......oh and don't forget about Adult Swim! Many things that i love to watch...but it's just to much to list....... books....well execpt for some books...but mostly mangas.....
This is the awesome hero that saved me friend all my troubles!.. width="425" height="350" ..