â™  BonDizZle â™  profile picture

â™  BonDizZle â™ 

Mustangs were made to make BITCHES look better......

About Me

It'S AmazIng WhAt LiFe Can Do To yOu, whAt it CaN GiVe You AnD WHat It Can TakE AwAY. We All TakE EverYThinG FoR GraNtEd WhEn WE SHoulD Be HaPpy ThaT We ArE EvEn AlivE. LearN To puT up WitH ThE OnEs You LovE B/c TheY JuSt mIghT noT bE thEre TomOrrOW. AppReciAte The TimE You HavE B/C iT Is PrEcIouS B/c OnCe It's GonE You CaN NevER GEt iT baCk. NeVer Do SometHing iN The End You ThiNK You"Ll RegReT. NoT EveryOne Is TruLy GiVeN ThE ChanCe To LiVE So dONt Let It Go To WasTE. We ArE OnLy GiVeN One CHanCe Do WHats RiGhT And ReMemBEr WhatS ImpoRtanT... AnD ShiT HavE FuN...

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



Horror, Comedy


Cartoons, Comedy Central, History Channel


mY SOn, WHo kNOWs wHerE i wOulDa bEen...

My Blog


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJCWziYxRVs ...
Posted by ` BonDizZle ` on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 04:20:00 PST

When I feel deep

There was one day when i saw the beginning and the end it was the day i was laying on my death bed taking my last breath I asked god what has happened to me what am i supposed to do he said it's to la...
Posted by ` BonDizZle ` on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:31:00 PST


You are what keeps me living,keeps me talkingyou are the one that makes me crywe have fun together all the timeyou are always there for me when i need you mostand you always listen to my complainingmy...
Posted by ` BonDizZle ` on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

kill you

what the fuck you stupid bitch i am going to kill youi know where you sleep i knoe where you live i am going to take a knife to your throat and another to your chest 17 timesstupid whorei am going to ...
Posted by ` BonDizZle ` on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST