Good times, good drinks, good people, and fast cars like my GTO...
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Whoever I'm meant to meet~~***~~a kiss is something you cannot give without taking and cannot take without giving... A kiss is the shortest distance between two... Her lips on his could tell him better than all her stumbling words... Women still remember the first kiss after men have forgotten the last... Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight ~~***~~
Your Passion is Orange
You Are a Margarita
You aren't just the life of the party, you are the party!
You mix a good drink, bust out some great music, and know how to get down.
What Mixed Drink Are You?
Anything 80's, alternative, classic rock, some metal, a little country...
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Take the quiz:
What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)
You have sunrise eyes. Sunrise is the color of joy and elation. Your eyes symbolize your general sense of wellness. Your confidence and high self-esteem each and every day make you the person people want to be around. You are a very creative, passionate, and sexual person. You are not afraid to tell people what you think of them, whether good or bad. Some words to describe you: self-assuredness, out-going, busy, cheerful, bright, amiability, courage, successful, creative, personable, happiness, motivational, optimistic, strong, and aware.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
PORNO j/k horrors, comedies are the best...SAGITTARIUS Spontanious. Horny.High sex appeal. Rare to find. Good when found. Loves being in long relationships.
Friends, Will & Grace, CSI...
horoscope books, go ask alice, the vampire lestat
when i grow up i wanna be just like me