SEANTRON profile picture


squirm like a worm

About Me

so i work at bellagio's pizza sellwood. i live in milwaukie. it's pretty much a part of portland. and by portland i mean portland oregon. i like stumptown coffee roasters and thai food and skateboarding. i try to play drums but i'm not that good.oh, and i don't actually smoke meth. meth is a joke with my friends. we love to joke about anything related to meth.

My Interests

i've been skating a lot lately.

I'd like to meet:

legit, honest people that value friendships.


jazz, hip-hop, the decemberists, nofx, and metal.


tell me about some good movies. i've lost interest in them lately.


penn & teller: bullshit.


i need book suggestions also.


successful skateboarders and nofx.