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About Me

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Hey my name is Kaliko I am 20 years old. I am Hawaiian,and hispanic I love to have fun with my friends and I am pretty laid back. I have no lack of ambition. Right now I am taking some time off of school to get my financial life back on track.
I plan on paying some money back to Western, and then re enrolling there in the fall and finish up school there.
From there I plan on getting in to a good law school and getting my Constitutional Law Degree..
I know how much work it is going to take to get there, some may have their doubts, but nothing is going to stop me.
I honestly believe politics is where my life would best be spent, defending and representing the disenfranchised.
A little more about me
I love my family.
I love my friends.
I love my life.
I really enjoy listening to music and just being alone with my thoughts. I love being around people also, but I require a lot of time to myself these days.
I like really paying attention to lyrics in songs, I am drawn to songs that have a good meaning.
I like tons of different kinds of music.
I tend to kind of have a philosophical point of view on life.
I think that we are supposed to enjoy our lives every moment of the day. Everything in life is beautiful in it's own way.
I believe things happen for a reason.
I believe heavily in Karma. I try to keep my life balanced out.
I'm spiritual. I'm not religious.
I believe that all you have to do is be true to what you believe, no matter what that might be.
I don't believe that you need to live your life by a certain code of ethics, according to standards set thousands of years ago.
I believe every one is entitled to their opinion. I try my best to be able to encompass all points of views when trying to make a decision on what I believe. But once I get set in a way it is hard to sway me. But it never hurts to try.
I feel as if within the past year I have been enlightened to an entire different world that I never understood in high school. How I got there isn't of concern, the fact is that I feel as if I have found myself.
I don't drink often. It's caused too many problems in my past. Alcoholism is an ugly thing and I don't want to ever head that way.
I smoke weed. Thats something people gotta deal with.
It doesn't make me less of a person. I know I am still a good person
Our generation is under-educated. Although a lot of that blame falls on our school system, it is our responsibility as citizens of this nation to inform ourselves. To always strive for knowledge.
They say that ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power, well I believe in power to the people, so I believe we must seek out as much knowledge as we can find.
I care for everyone I meet.
I believe we are all supposed to live in harmony.
My dad taught me to believe in the Aloha spirit.
Which is the appreciation for the breath of life...Something I have now cemented in my core.
I love to meet new people.
I am outgoing by nature.
I think that everyone deserves to be happy.
Life is too short. Lets enjoy it while we are here.
I try not to measure myself in material terms.
What matters in your last moments of your life is whether you enjoyed the time you had. And whether you shared all of those years building memories with people you care about.
I like to think thats how I am living right now.
Oh yeah. And everyone should vote. No matter what side, of whatever issue it is. We have an amazing right to be able to let our voices be heard. We should all do our part to shape our world the way we want it. We are the ones who are going to have to continue living in it. So we might as well voice our concerns.
If you managed to read this far, you are a champ. And I thank you. Peace be with all.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

That girl... The one who always puts a smile on my face. A girl who is real laid back, fun-loving and caring. Someone who loves to go out and have a good time. But also likes to stay in a watch movies with me. Someone who is optimistic, and has a positive outlook on life.Someone I can't live without, someone with cute imperfections......My better half.

The next President Of The United States of America, Barack Obama. ..

My Blog

Why I love the internet.

Here is a recent exchange I had with an old friend on Facebook. It just seems the last couple days things have begun to get dirty. Republicans are desperate, and all they can talk about is unsubstanti...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 06:09:00 GMT

Why I’m voting democrat. A satire

***Here is a previously posted bulletin by someone, which I felt the need to refute, since it was ladened with false accusations."I'm voting democrat... ................not. fuckin idiots"Her...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 08:19:00 GMT

My thoughts on peace and prosperity

Imagine, a country of peace, and prosperity. A country who stays out of wars, yet still lends a helping hand to other nations, all the while maintaining an acceptable living situation for all her citi...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 23:19:00 GMT

Shedding light on the dark deeds

This was a message in response to a bulletin that was posted with my name as the subject...._______ my dear, I really wish that you truthfully knew what was going on. Maybe you should read over my bul...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 12:52:00 GMT

A Pivotal Point In American History

    The time for change has long been upon us, yet it seems that almost with each new day, brings a new White House scandal. How is it that it has taken nearly seven years into this fai...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 11:52:00 GMT

Lovin' life

Alright, so here it is. My coming out of the closet moment with weed. Im sure most people have heard that I smoke weed...but I am basically becoming a stoner for life. And i am totally fine with that....
Posted by on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 01:20:00 GMT

The Daily Forgotten

Here is another attempt at trying to write something.   Its that time again When I feel lonely I grab paper and a pen. I turn from the Kaliko We all know To the one thats incredibly emo.   ...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 02:50:00 GMT

The LAST song!

I wrote this during class while I was bored today...   Let me tell you how I fell in love with a beautiful girl All through the summer She was my world   Now you told me that you loved me B...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 10:23:00 GMT

Last Goodbye

  I drove around on my last night To feel of the crisp air and the moonlight Driving down roads I know so well Thinkin about so many things I can't even tell...   Knowing that it was ti...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Sep 2005 02:25:00 GMT

The One That Got Away...

Felt like writing again. So here ya go...Had a rough night. Having trouble getting mentally ready to leave for college.     I thought I would be able to deal with this closure But right now ...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 01:11:00 GMT