...This profile "Kiddvideogroup" is a fan site devoted to anything relating to the 1980's cartoon "Kidd Video". I, the creator of this profile am only a fan myself and have no ties to the original cast/crew of the show. While I do not go out of the way to advertise my identity, I am not above revealing myself if you ask me politely who I am in a private message!
This profile exists to help keep the memory and idea of the Flipside alive. When this profile was originally created there were not too many resources on the web for anything Kidd Video related, whether it be images or the much sought after episodes. Now with a little bit of searching all of you fans can find episodes and images!!
Another VERY INFORMATIVE Kidd Video community site that existed before this profile, and has active current discussion can be found at
Kidd Video is a half-hour television series that ran Saturdays on NBC, between 1984 and 1986. It was produced by DIC Productions in association with Saban Productions. The series was about a California teen music band called Kidd Video. The band consists of Kidd (the leader), Carla (the fearless girl drummer), Whiz (the Macgyver type who could make anything) and Ash (well, he's a good guy, but kind of a schmoe).
One day, they meet at H&S Storage (where they keep some of their equipment). Kidd removes a plastic covering from a nearby mirror and the band starts to practice. Suddenly, an image appears in the mirror. It's a cartoon man called the Master Blaster. By pressing a button on his chair, he takes the band to a world of Rock & Roll... another dimension known as the Flipside. The Flipside is an upbeat, non-threatening environment filled with people who love Kidd Video's music. It's a strange, bizarre world where the laws of nature don't exist. The band turns into cartoons... and the Master Blaster wants the band to be his musical slaves forever! However, the kids are rescued by a fairy named Glitter. In the series, the band explores the Flipside in hopes that they will find a way back to our world... and also avoids the Master Blaster of Bad Vibes and his cronies, the Copy Cats.
Opening Song