Going fast. Making people uncomfortable. Telling jokes that only make sense to me. ;)
- God, because I just need to know.
- Gregory Peck, because he made To Kill a Mockingbird what it is today, and also because his character, Atticus, bears the name of my future son.
- Rivers Cuomo, because I think we'd see eye-to-eye.
Tip "T.I." Harris, because DAMN. Watch ATL and you'll fall for Little Big Brother too. :)
When I'm in a good mood: For when I want to get lost in my head: For the times when I hate everything: And, of course, when I just wanna be me... an OG:
All-time favorites: When it's time for a good cry: And for some late night mayhem:
Pretty much anything non-fiction or true crime. Blood n' guts!
People who are afraid of the world but work towards their dreams anyway.