Hi folks, Spencer here. As you may or may not know, a very talented man named Travis Stevens was injured in a severe car accident several weeks ago. Travis is a key figure in the Knoxville music and art communities, and above all else, a fantastic friend. Please remember to keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he recovers. Thanks to Darla Jean from Bluecats for making it possible for you to also donate through paypal. Its easy. Just click this button...After several years of Myspace, I've finally begun recording some of my own stuff. This is the page where all of that will be posted. I appreciate any comments or feedback, and more than anything I urge you to click the VERONA banner link on this page and go listen to my band. If you like the stuff you hear on this page, tell some people and, as always, please support local music!
This guy has been a hero of mine for years and, I'm proud to say, a friend. He's the guy that made the profound comment: "You only need to learn the rules so well that you can break them." As you'll see, he breaks them pretty well. Ladies and gentlemen.... MICK MURPHY (aka Neanderthal)Words of wisdom from the master, including insights on tone involving Zappa and Van Halen. Steve vai...