Hammerin' Hebrew profile picture

Hammerin' Hebrew

I don't want to be a product of my enviroment. I want my enviroment to be product of me

About Me

.."I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond!I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.Behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, ridin the wave, dodgin the bullet and pushin the envelope. I’m on-point, on-task, on-message and off drugs. I’ve got no need for coke and speed. I've got no urge to binge and purge. I’m in-the-moment, on-the-edge, over-the-top and under-the-radar. A high-concept, low-profile, medium-range ballistic missionary. A street-wise smart bomb. A top-gun bottom feeder. I wear power ties, I tell power lies, I take power naps and run victory laps. I’m a totally ongoing big-foot, slam-dunk, rainmaker with a pro-active outreach. A raging workaholic. A working rageaholic. Out of rehab and in denial!I’ve got a personal trainer, a personal shopper, a personal assistant and a personal agenda. You can’t shut me up. You can’t dumb me down because I’m tireless and I’m wireless, I’m an alpha male on beta-blockers.I’m a non-believer and an over-achiever, laid-back but fashion-forward. Up-front, down-home, low-rent, high-maintenance. Super-sized, long-lasting, high-definition, fast-acting, oven-ready and built-to-last! I’m a hands-on, foot-loose, knee-jerk head case pretty maturely post-traumatic and I’ve got a love-child that sends me hate mail.But, I’m feeling, I’m caring, I’m healing, I’m sharing-- a supportive, bonding, nurturing primary care-giver. My output is down, but my income is up. I took a short position on the long bond and my revenue stream has its own cash-flow. I read junk mail, I eat junk food, I buy junk bonds and I watch trash sports! I’m gender specific, capital intensive, user-friendly and lactose intolerant.I like rough sex. I like tough love. I use the “F” word in my emails and the software on my hard-drive is hardcore--no soft porn.I bought a microwave at a mini-mall; I bought a mini-van at a mega-store. I eat fast-food in the slow lane. I’m toll-free, bite-sized, ready-to-wear and I come in all sizes. A fully-equipped, factory-authorized, hospital-tested, clinically-proven, scientifically- formulated medical miracle. I’ve been pre-wash, pre-cooked, pre-heated, pre-screened, pre-approved, pre-packaged, post-dated, freeze-dried, double-wrapped, vacuum-packed and, I have an unlimited broadband capacity.I’m a rude dude, but I’m the real deal. Lean and mean! Cocked, locked and ready-to-rock. Rough, tough and hard to bluff. I take it slow, I go with the flow, I ride with the tide. I’ve got glide in my stride. Drivin and movin, sailin and spinin, jiving and groovin, wailin and winnin. I don’t snooze, so I don’t lose. I keep the pedal to the metal and the rubber on the road. I party hearty and lunch time is crunch time. I’m hangin in, there ain’t no doubt and I’m hangin tough, over and out!"

My Interests

Talking shit, watching Baseball (live and on TV), reading (mostly at work), talking more shit, working out (whenever I feel inspired), cooking, talking some more shit, making fun of everything and everyone (including myself), playing poker (on occasion), watching TV (almost all the time) and did I mention talking shit?...

I'd like to meet:

Your momma. I heard she is good looking.


I listen to just about anything. As long as I like the beat the genre is irrelevant. But to name a few: Aerosmith, AC/DC, Johnny Cash, E-40, Keak da Sneak, San Quinn (and the rest of the Bay Area Hyphy Movement), Wu Tang, Notorious B.I.G, 2Pac, Mos Def, Gorillas, Celia Cruz, Tito Puente, James Brown, Al Green, Marvin Gaye. I just love music period. ...


Boiler Room, Rounders, Pulp Fiction, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Layer Cake, Excorsist, Star Wars (the original trilogy), Sin City,Training Day, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Jay and Silent Bob strike back (yes I am a HUGE Kevin Smith fan), LOTR trilogy, Gladiator, Godfather Triology, Casino, GoodFelllas, and obscure independent films, especially old school Kung Fu movies. But to be real I pretty much watch anything aside from romantic chick flicks. Expept for Love and Basketball. That movie is the shit....


I watch entirely too much TV. First and foremost : San Franicisco Giants baseball. Also pretty much anything else sports related (aside from fishing and bowling). Lost, Sopranos, Discovery and History Channels, Family Guy, South Park and Adult Swim on Cartoon Network....


Listing books will take forever so I will just list the authors. Steven King, Thomas Harris, Dean Koontz, Terry Pratchett, James Patterson and John Grisham to name a few.


My mom for raising me and my sister by herself and doing a damn good job.

My Blog

Assault with a deadly peanut............

So I have added my own little contribution to the lasting legacy of Giants vs Dodgers rivalry. I got kicked out of the Saturday game. Two SFPD officers came for me and kindly escorted my ass out of th...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 07:10:00 PST

Wait your Fucking Turn!!!

I am usually a very good driver. I don't drive too agressively, nor do I succumb to road rage. Granted I honk and flip birds to dumb ass people who try to hit me or cut me off on the road (the list in...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 10:23:00 PST

The missing "F" ..............

The following event is a prime example of why using spell check when writing emails is a must..............So I made arrangements today at the office to switch my shift with another person next thursd...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 05:09:00 PST

I scared the shit out of this cashier today.....

So I went to this sporting goods store called "Sports Authority" today after work. I needed to grab a couple of weight plates for my bar bell and also look for a few other things. So I grab the plates...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 09:03:00 PST

Yesterday's blog was kinda prophetic..........

So I was bored last night and decided to post up Murphy's laws for shits and giggles. Thought people who read my shit would get a small kick out of it.Except I aint laughing today, since I just had to...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:18:00 PST

Murphy's Laws

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. You will always find something in the last place you look. No matter how long or how hard you shop for an item, after you've bought it, it will be on sale ...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 11:00:00 PST

Solutide at last!!!

One giant step for me, one small step for mankind..............As of today I am officially done with having a roommate. The guy who moved in here in the begging of the year moved out on Satuday (more ...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:40:00 PST

Shit keeps rolling downhill (Don Imus fallout)

Simmons Calls for a Ban on Some Curse Words Music mogul Russell Simmons has called upon the recording and broadcast industries to completely ban "extreme curse words" like "bitch," "ho," and "n--." ...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:50:00 PST

A right to be hostile............

No I am not talking about myself. That blog would be waaaay too long not to mention redundant. Those who know me personaly already know that I can be hostile should the circumstances call for it."A ri...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:27:00 PST

Stay your sick ass home!!!!

You know what I hate the most about corporate America?Its not the politics (although they suck big time too), its not having to constantly smile through your teeth when your bosses dish out the next b...
Posted by Hammerin' Hebrew on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:32:00 PST