Liz profile picture


everything can fall apart right into place.

About Me

This myspace was designed by Toby.
I like five o’clock shadows and bad jokes. I like music for the morning after and songs that fit my life (or will eventually). I like driving with the windows down, sunroof open, and heat on if necessary (RIP Sebring). I’m a solid combination of bitter and hopeful. I like arguing politics and discussing religion. I double major in psychology and sociology and minor in everything (and reveling). I like sitting in coffee shops and tipping baristas. I like watching musicians live and close up, whether it’s in small venues or one-on-one performances. I like fall (the noun, not the verb). I have a deep appreciation for correct grammar, as well as correct use of too/to/two and there/they're/their. I don't believe that a person has to go to/be in college to be intelligent or successful. There are so many ways to exist. I like waking up before the alarm and going back to sleep. It takes me a long time to get to the point. I like bubble tea. I like plugging the cd player into the outlet in my bathroom, even though it’s probably a fire hazard. I like high cheekbones and big, bright smiles. I like run-on sentences and punctuating (but not always capitalizing). I like singing in elevators and putting pennies face-up. I like tea and vitamin water. I like wandering organic and ethnic grocery stores. I love passion. I love my mom the psychologist and my dad the musician. I love honesty. I love reality and occasionally denying it. I love handing in an A+ paper. My friends keep me sane and make the downs tolerable. I carry my journal around with me and often misplace it. I'm a Unitarian Universalist. I’m always late – it’s part of my charm. I go to Central and truly love it. I’ve made bad decisions but I’m cashing in on the glory of my biggest mistakes. I’m witty and sarcastic. I hate when good humor is wasted on people who don’t appreciate it. I’m making a solid path towards becoming who I want to be. I have more motivation and drive than I even knew about.
"Happy unbirthday to a girl who is a million little things." -Mark, my former and beloved roomie.

My Interests

museums, politics/political activism, irony, school, driving aimlessly, genuine smiles, movies, neurosis, sociology, music, religion/theology, intensity, psychology, goals (realistic or otherwise), art, theatre, reading (for classes AND pleasure. i love it all), acoustic guitaring, piano playing, learning, traveling (day trips road trips plane trips...i can get by in italian and spanish, and i speak french borderline fluently. i want to see everything).

I'd like to meet:

People who read all of that. People who can teach me new things. People who live life for everything it has to offer and make me laugh until I can’t breathe.

Oh, and my dream man.


Damien Rice. Regina Spektor. Saves the Day. Bayside. Atmosphere. Queen. Mid-90's LL Cool J. Feeling Left Out. Fiona Apple. Jeff Buckley. Head Automatica. Kanye West. Tom Petty. The Supremes. James Taylor. Boys Night Out. Rufus Wainright. Gin Blossoms. Panic! At the Disco. Billy Currington. Dashboard Confessional. John Mayer. Coheed and Cambria. Ashlee Simpson. Silverstein. Hardcore Warrior. Salt 'N Pepa. Nick Drake. Alkaline Trio. Plain White T's. The Early November. Matt Nathanson. Sia. Journey. Cyndi Lauper. Dave Mathews. Eric Clapton. Jack Johnson. Rilo Kiley. Dierks Bentley. Acceptance. Fleming and John. At the Drive In. Hanson. Taking Back Sunday. Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac. Bob Dylan. The Postal Service. Pete Yorn. Letter Kills. Aqualung. Portishead. Laura Ganci. Eric Clapton. Alanis Morisette. Ben Folds. Gnarls Barkley. Snow Patrol. Dresden Dolls. Beck. Rilo Kiley. Beatles. Sarah McLachlan. That's off the top of my head/a glance at my current playlist. Many more.


I have really strange and terrible taste in movies. It ranges from really girly (The Notebook, Dirty Dancing) to mildly girly (anything John Cusak) to zombie movies (Troma, George Romero). I don't really know how this happened. (Also: Annie Hall, Garden State, When Harry Met Sally, Resident Evil, Rules of Attraction, Evil Dead/2/Army of Darkness, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Pretty Woman, MacArthur Park, To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything, Finding Nemo, Sixteen Candles, Before Sunrise/Sunset, Cannibal the Musical, Almost Famous). Oh and political/historical films. Yeah, I'm uncool. I know.


Northern Exposure. Sex and the City. Freaks and Geeks. Entertainment television but only with my mother. And there's a good chance I'll marry you if you can find me the entire series of Beverly Hills 90210 on dvd.


The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Naked Lunch. Man's Search for Meaning. Jane Eyre. Cunt. Catcher in the Rye. The Burn Collector. Slaughterhouse Five. I spent the last, unemployed half of the summer reading for pleasure. It was glorious.


My parents are pretty amazing. Cliche as it sounds, they're everything I could have ever asked for.

My Blog

so many ways to exist.

so today was the final for my psych of diversity class, which mostly meant sitting around talking about our experiences in the class, what we got out of it, etc. this was one of the best classes i've ...
Posted by Liz on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 01:10:00 PST

hurt soothe inspire demean demand incite pacify teach romance pervert unite divide.

How is it possible to exist and be so ignorant. I've been pissed for the past two years or so. A lot of people reading this know that Central was not my first choice school. It wasn't even on the lis...
Posted by Liz on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 06:37:00 PST

Bonnaroo '06. I think I'm in love.

with music and crowds and fields and hippies and my friends and my home and my life. and maybe weed. Bonnaroo was so good. SO good. I went with Caitlynne and the Mikes and no one fought and we were hi...
Posted by Liz on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 01:00:00 PST

And in that moment, I swear we were infinite. pg 39, I believe.

Tonight one of my most favorite people in the world was sad, so at eleven p.m. with a nine thirty a.m. class, we set off to the beach.It was perfect. That's all.
Posted by Liz on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:13:00 PST

You can't swim in a town this shallow.

This entry is about nothing. Much like my day.+I like entire days of being useless. Today I woke up at one, people-watched with Mike for a few hours, and then played Soul Calibur with him until m...
Posted by Liz on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 10:38:00 PST

My mom > your mom.

"Cool doesn't go tanning or get its nails done. Cool sins but has a good heart. Cool is gorgeous without trying. Like Jack Sparrow."only to be followed by:"I'll take Jack Sparrow, or Captain Ron, or a...
Posted by Liz on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 02:51:00 PST

"I got in the car and what did I smell like? Semen."

I love Canada so much.+A million haunted houses in Niagara Falls. Next time I'm going to all of them.+Kelly! And my entire Canadian family tree.-Tim Hortons is inferior to Starbucks. +Tooney slide. (A...
Posted by Liz on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 10:32:00 PST

Funny how long a moment can seem when you're trying to hold on...

So I spend a lot of time reminiscing. Far more than is good for my sanity, undoubtedly.I don't know if other people do this. Sometimes when something is going on that is really good or really bad or s...
Posted by Liz on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:50:00 PST


Oh myspace, I never meant to get you.It'll be select though. If I ever go to a party and someone comes up to me and says, "OH MY GOD, I THINK WE'RE MYSPACE FRIENDS," I will delete this immediately. Ri...
Posted by Liz on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 06:02:00 PST