I like to listen to music, hang out and drink Big Gulps with my friends, go to clubs and grind on girls (while sticking my tongue between my first two fingers-spread to look like a V) until they kick me out, do ab crunches, make fun of...no wait, that's my alter ego. I like puppies.
John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt
This =The New style American Boyfriends=The Sunday Drunks=The DeRockers=Mogwai=The Kansas City Faggots=My Murder Gloves=Ornette Coleman=Danger Pussy=Monkey Knife Fight=...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead=The Hotrails=Bad Machine=The Ugly Beats=The Ravens=Ampheria=KILLKILLKILL=Turbo Negro=Abbey Goes Poop=Iggy=Dylan=Misfits=Art Tatum=My Head Hurts=No, Really, My Head Hurts
=Summer Vacation '89=Whackiest Sports Bloopers=Anything With Zombies=Maid To Order=Winged Migration=Andy Newsome:Burnin' Down Da' House=Alen vs. Predator=Wes Anderson=
Sledge Hammer!, The Simpsons, The Great American Hero, Hunter, NOVA, Frontline
The Dictionary-I like to work out my brain muscles too.
Pontius Pilate. Anyone who has the gall to off the son of god is OK in my book.