bethany profile picture


I've been called visually ambitious....

About Me

Vincent Van Gogh tried to be a pastor. When that didn't work out, he moved back in with his parents. He then went on to go insane, live with a prostitute, paint brilliant masterpieces, cut off his ear, and eventually shoot himself in a field. I'm a lot like that... minus the ear thing. Oh, and the prostitutes. And a bunch of the other stuff. Okay, forget all that... but remember the brilliant painting part. Yeah.

Oh, and I'm voting for Barak Obama


MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo .
SO MUCH LOVE TO VICTORIA "Stage Manager/Photojournalist of my life" FOR THIS SLIDE SHOW! WOO HOO!
.. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

Artist. Singer. Photographer. Actor. Designer. Scholar. Can and will beat you at darts. Prefers red wine to white, dark beer to light. Madly in love with a blue eyed Leo. Wearing his ring as I type.

yoga, snowboarding, mountain biking, surfing, painting, writing, video games, movies & movie making, hugging Mike Barton, cooking or eating things Vicky has cooked, margaritas (which if you know me, you know IS an activity), singing, dancing, rejoicing, being loud and awesome. And now for some shameless promotion of my art:

Oh.... And travel... (Mike took this in Rome)

I'd like to meet:

Jesus. Van Gogh. Stevie Wonder. In the same room, even.

Now go to and see Me & Mike's movie!!..


Yes, please.
Too much to list. But here are my amazing friends... love them like I do:

My friend Martin Z is talented in more ways than allowable by law. This is his music video of his fab band, The Sounds of Asteroth:

Sometimes April Brown and I sing with Candace Devine. (And laugh and say stupid funny things before and after) Candace Devine - Live and Acoustic

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Apparently, the key to singing is to never wash your hair (or hairpiece) ever. Ever ever. Damn she good.


Anything and everything directed by Michael Barton. That man is a genius. And so hot too.Christopher Donlon too. Brilliant. And Heather Holty, a gifted mastermind of the camera.Also: Michel Gondry, Spielberg, Terry Gilliam's old stuff, David Fincer did one of my favorites, & Tarantino, which sounds clique so I'll follow that with "I am NOT a Kubrick fan and am prepared to fight you about it" Oh, and I like Christopher Nolan. Batman Begins was great and the new one will likely rule.
Fight Club, Citizen Cane, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Harold & Maude, 12 Monkeys, IronMan (What?! I liked it!)... and you can't help but love Talladega Nights & Ron Burgundy.


Law and Order reigns supreme. The old ones with Jerry Orbach-- because he's pretty much the coolest. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, How I Met Your Mother (all on DVD b/c we got rid of TV)


C.S. Lewis, Jon Ortberg, Phillip Yancey, Hemingway, ee. cummings, brian andreas, jeffrey gitomer. I like books that speak intelligently about religions and spirituality. As well as collections of mostly boring religious essays.


My Blog

Surrounded by Pharisees.

This campaign is bringing out the ugly in people. The ugly in, mostly, sadly, those who call themselves Christians. Not all of them, no, of course... but SOO many that it's making me ill. Some of them...
Posted by bethany on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 11:51:00 PST

Obama’s Acceptance Speech.

"To Chairman Dean and my great friend Dick Durbin; and to all my fellow citizens of this great nation; with profound gratitude and great humility, I accept your nomination for the presidency of the Un...
Posted by bethany on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 08:34:00 PST

Night Flash ART SHOW Friday June 20th! BE THERE!

NIGHT FLASH! ART SHOW Friday June 20th!Featured artists: Sean Stephanoff, Justin Schaefer,A lexandra Gibson, Blow Pop!, Sir, Maya Perterpaul,Zombienose, Rhiannon, Erickson, Joanna Beray Ingco,bethany ...
Posted by bethany on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 01:02:00 PST


Posted by bethany on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:49:00 PST

Obama Videos from

(I'm pretty sure I just made Stephen vomit)...
Posted by bethany on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:32:00 PST

John Cusack for MoveOn.Org

Posted by bethany on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:27:00 PST

Dear Senators: NO on the Proposed Housing Bill.

Dear Senators: Vote NO on proposed Housing Bill. As both a taxpayer and a careful saver and investor of my money, I am appauled at the proposed housing bill. Bailing out persons who bought outside the...
Posted by bethany on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 06:41:00 PST

Same Sex Marriage-- Great for the Economy?!

I find this totally plausible...!Gay Marriage Good For The Economy: UCLA Study Huffington Post | June 9, 2008 09:28 PMThe California Supreme Court overturned the state's gay marriage ban in May, a...
Posted by bethany on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:37:00 PST

morbid curiosity

So, I'll never ever see the movie "The Strangers" because, well, I don't like scary movies. BUT I do seem to make them (go figure).One of the ones we worked on in Louisiana was about home invasion and...
Posted by bethany on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 04:02:00 PST

No Child Left Behind Act.

I wasn't a big fan of this Act from the beginning. Not only was it the brainchild of the Bush administration, which makes me wary (sorry Limbaugh)-- but coming from a family of educators, I heard all ...
Posted by bethany on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 12:13:00 PST