Baroness profile picture


Changes haircolor as often as underwear!

About Me

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My Interests

Long, late mornings in a cozy coffee shop. Summer rain, complete with thunder and lightening. Indian summers. Cool, brisk, colorful fall days and the smell of burning leaves. Halloween and Christmas. First warm days of spring. Laying in my hammock swing. Reading. Shopping on Hawthorne. Shopping on-line. Stores I can't afford. Tattoos. Jewelry. Bleeding Edge dolls. Purses and shoes. Afternoon naps. Live music.

I'd like to meet:

Henry Rollins. Angelina Jolie.


Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Old School Punk, Swing, New Wave, Old School Industrial, Old School Country.


Thank God for NetFlix! function nothingf(){document.write("..1...{} function nothingf(){document.write("{}


Desparate Housewives, HGTV, Food Network.


Lately I only get to enjoy books with titles like, "How Does A Dinosaur Say Goodnight?" and "Walter The Farting Dog." But some day, when I my son reads for himself, I will read grown up books!


My husband, Bub Johnson. He fixes and builds things. He lifts heavy stuff and kills bugs dead!! but most of all Nathan is my hero.but most of all Nathan is my hero.