My interests include:
♥ going to the cinema
♥ drinking
♥ all you can eats
♥ dancing
♥ walking to random and new places
♥ reading
♥ music
♥ hanging out with friends
♥ laser quest
♥ BBQ's
♥ skiing
♥ You know just general guff.
♥ Whoever!!! I don't want to meet bald men. And I have no respect for people who bask in their apathy. Get and ice cream and GET A GRIP!!!! I WOULD like to meet people who are not bald and who are happy ♥
I like to think I'm a cool indie kid but "Heather" and "cool" being said together usually end up with much my expense. I have no time for music snobs, who think one type of music is better than another. It's just different. Each to their own.
I love watching films and going to the cinema but I never buy them. My favourite film of all time from now till eternity....or until I see a better one is Finding Nemo!!!
I don't really watch TV these days unless I am home. There are far too many things to be doing but I will be buying the Grey's Anatomy series 2. I may even go as far as saying that I love that show more than CSI
I love love love reading. I love reading modern classics like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", "To Kill A Mockinbird" and "Slaughterhouse 5". I also love anyhting by Christopher Brookmyre (outstandingly hilarious) and any of the Harry Potter books (I hope Hermione dies, she does my nut in!!)
♥ My girls
Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace Editor
♥ My boys
Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace Editor
♥ My family.