♫ Rika Rain ♫ profile picture

♫ Rika Rain ♫

i change my hair like clothes lol

About Me

I looooove having fun, i love being surrounded by people who are real and trust i will need that .i need good people around who will help keep me humble and grounded. i am a serious bussiness woman and i love succeeding, and all though i do, there are still waaaaaay more important things in life then money. you cant take none of it with u and , salvation can not be bought, because the price was already paid a long time ago on calvary by jesus. every one who has come in my path knows that i am a clown i loooove to make people laugh and smile it gives me joy for real other then that im pretty simple the truth is although i look made up on this page lol i hate putting on makeup sometimes, but its part of what i do. to know me is to hear the the truth oh and to love me
Name Erika "rika" Heads
Sex yes! just kiddin female lol
Age 25
Hair Color whatever mood im in for the month
Eye Color same there too
Height 5"4
Your Heritage black
Siblings 1
Your Best Friend toya, and nessa
Single Or Taken single
Do You Do Drugs no
Do You Drink ummm casually
Color red
Food mexican food and ribs
Boy Name christian isaiah
Girl Name heaven nevaeh
Animal tiger
Sport basketball
Have You Ever...
Smoked yes, but im not a smoker
Skinny Dipped lol no but i might lol
Seen Your Crush Naked lol not yet bu im workin on it lol
Lied yes
Fallen For Your Best Friend hell no there girls, im not into to all that
Been Rejected lol yes in my younger days
Rejected Someone lol all the time
Done Something You Regret yes , lovin someone who didn't deserve me
Clothes neat clean cut
Music i like all types but mostly R&B
Smell so good u might wanna taste
Fav. Band i dont have a favorite band, but i love luther and stevie
Desktop Picture my family
Annoyance lol i can sum it all up in one name' Immature men
Are You..
Understanding yes very, sometimes a lil too much
Open-Minded lol yes
Interesting very
Random all the time
Moody yep imma gemini what do u expect lol
Organized hell no, but i try lol
Shy not at all lol
Difficult sometimes
Attractive yep i think so, what do u think?
Obsessed yes with success
Opposite Sex..
What Do You Notice First teeth!
Best Eye Color doesnt matter just not crooked lol
Best Hair Color brown or black
Short Or Long Hair short if its nappy lol
Best Height tall!
Best Weight slim or slender but cut up!
Best Clothing Style clean cut well groomed
Just Some Last Questions..
Last Movie You Have Seen At The Theatre the pretender
Fav. Cartoon the smurfs
What Did You Have For Breakfast candy
Could You Live Without Your Computer yes
Do You Dye Your Hair imma hair stylist what do u think?
Who Makes You Laugh The Most me lol
Do You Wish You Were Younger no shoot i look young enough lol
Do You Have Any Crushes yes, but that might become a reality
Do You Like Highschool yes
Do You Want To Get Married yep imma a wifey type of girl
What Are Your Thoughts On Love people take it for granted and abuse the word
Number Of Times Your Heart Has Been Broken twice but i got over it
Do You Get Along With Your Parents of course
Do You Cuss yeo, but im tryin really really hard to stop
Do You Ever Wish You Had Another Name yep comin to the stage please welcome delicious lol just kiddin
Number Of Close Friends 4
Have You Ever Had A Crush On A Teacher yep and he liked me too
Have Any Tatoos yes 4 and some pending
Do You Have A Secret People Would Be Surprised By no im pretty easy to read, whatu see is what
Are You A Virgin yep a born again one lol
What Theme Does Your Room Have silk
How Do You Feel Right Now hopeful
Whats One Of Your Bad Qualities im impatient and i dont tolarate the slightess bullshit
Whats One Of Your Good Qualities im a clown, adventurious
Last Time You Cried In School graduation
For Or Against Long Distance Relationships been there done that, but it depends on how mature u mate is
Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex yap and hopefully that was the very last time
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight i dont know, i believe in fate
Favorite Thing In Your Room my bed
Your Nickname(s) lol rikaleak, aka filthy
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My Interests

i love having fun, period. lol i love to sing with my group in the studio, and just getting my grind on in the music industry. i looooooove to laugh and clown, any one who truly knows me knows that im a nutt lol. i can have fun doing anything, im not to much of a homebody (but it depends on who im with) i hate being bored

I'd like to meet:

id like to meet God first of all, then going down the line, my husband lol who must be a good man who puts God first in his life.All the celebs i wanted to meet ive already met, so none of them. Id also like to meet some of my ancestors so i could tell them their struggle was not in vainhttp://www.haitisurf.com


i have respect for all muisic, and anyone who has a true passion for it. i love singers like stevie wonder, aretha, beyonce,luther,toni terry, karen clark sheard, j moss, smokie norful, yolanda adams, kim burrell etc. there are way to many to name but when i hear music im always happy


i went to film school for two years so i will watch anything, but im a real scary movie and comedy buff.


csi, the whole monday night upn ,13 line up, bet, mtv etc.


the bible,the coldest winter etc. to many to name


Jesus for dying just for me, my family and all of my true friends