...Partying...Playing B-Ball...Chilling with friends...Playing Guitar...Eating, lol...Listenin 2 MuZiK...
...Any one who's interesting/attractive/funny and wants tohave a good time and can always find time to crack up...
omE Rap_____Hahah, Tats like Eveything______All depends on the
______Mood, Place and PpL!!______
------ Too many 2 List ----- Meet the Parents and Fockers
----- Van Wilder ----- ZooLander -----
----- The MatriX -----
----- The Lord of the Rings ----- Fight Club ----- X 3 -----
----- The ExcoRcisT -----
----- GOD Father -----
----- SiN CiTy ----- Finding Nemo ----- Without A Paddle -----
----- SNATCH ----- Madagasker ----- Schindler's List -----
****** SmallVille ******
****** The O.C. ******
****** Prison Break ******
****** Tom n Jeery ******
****** Jack Ass ******