In no particular order.......Hair Design, Playing with Fire, Satan, Swimming with Sharks, Interior Decorating, Kitty Paws on my Throat, Visual Merchandising, Sewing ME Wardrobes, Tennis 55+ ONLY, The Beast, Playing with Dolphins in the Pirate Pool, Chasing Alligators, Painting Anything really, Upholstery & Refurbishing, Landscaping, Running from Wasps, Feta Cheese, Tabloid Magazines, Sasaki Double Helix Flatware, Latex Dresses, Birthday Parties, Nature on my Fingertips, Your Hair, Cheese & Wine, Your Mom, Traveling by Plane...anywhere, Road Trips, Cleaning the Litter Box, Limits & Laws, Tattoos on Me, and You, Organization Skills for Optimal Use.......
Your Mom
Love to Listen......
Love to Watch.....
Miss Universe 2006 = Free Dinner!
Blah, Blah, Blah....write your own.
Everyone that loves me, and everyone that I love....