working out, animation, music, wrestling, coffee, jokes that everyone else complains about so they feel better about themselves.... after they've finished laughing. hypocrites.
anyone who can tolerate me (well that`s the target audience sufficiently narrowed, i think i`ll have a sandwich)
anything as long as it's done well. Mainly i like the heavier side of life, but i'll listen to anything that took effort or that at least has a point.
contemporary Japanese cinema for its style and presentation Tarantino/Kevin Smith for the scripts Pixar so i can sit nudging whoever's next to me going "hey.... wanna know how they did that??" oh, and Final Fantasy: Advent Children - officially the sexiest looking cg movie so far. anything that pushes a button.
Family Guy, Futurama, Simpsons, ren & stimpy, old cartoons in general, Frasier, Scrubs, wrestling.
sadly i don`t get time to read very often. mainly i`ll read biographies of people i`m interested in or software training books.
everyone i know inspires me in some way.