About Me
I'm kate. I like manners, geeks and nice people and I spend too much time worrying.
I like:
friends, the sky, socialising, pubs, gigs, generally just going out, tea, smoking, drinking, tattoos, random missions and walks, laughing, manners, ranting in my blog, words, comics, glasses (the eye kind), festivals, Brighton, pride events, spelling and grammar, languages, robots, camping, learning new things, good shoes/shirts/jumpers, travelling, good haircuts, smiling, stars, holidays, making exciting plans, batman, x-men, feeling optimistic, feeling happy, good hugs and generally messing about.
I don't like:
rude people, bad manners, not feeling well, not sleeping properly, feeling stressed or sad, vodka, not being able to have what I want, Portsmouth, losing contact with people, headfucks, liars, going over my mobile phone bill, going to work, sleeping alone, feeling awkward, people who use too much hair product, not knowing what to say, not being able to say what i want, hangovers, stubbing my toes, people who chew with their mouths open and general grossness.