RANDOM STRANGER profile picture


...Its not my fault..

About Me

I love the sound of scissors on wood when its cutting fabric.I love smashing glass.I love to travel.I love dressing up, i mean i'm never seen out and about without my lashes on.I love lissening to dance music.I love trying to dance.I love laughing at my self trying to dance.I love my pink sneakers.I love sleeping in on cold mornings.I love watching movies.I love my personal trainig sessions.I love collecting manequins.I hate talking on phones.I haven't used a landline in years.I don't eat bread.I forget how old i am.I've seen and touched snowMyspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

My Interests

I LOVE my 24 hour party weekends. I LOVE my 24 hour party friends. I LOVE me :O)Creating things. Finding unique tags on the street. Taking photos. Going out. Random thoughts and moments. I want to learn pole dancing. Watching people fall over!
Your Quirk Factor: 74%
You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal.
No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average." How Quirky Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Someone who can laugh.Someone who can make me laugh. Someone who dosen't mind tripping someone over.Someone who thinks i'm funny.Someone who doesn't tell people that I'm funny.Someone who knows never to wear white socks with black pants.Someone thats never eaten Sushi but is willing to try.Someone who will wear a dress.Someone who doesn't get offended by racist remarks.Someone who can smile.Someone who won't make me cry.


Dance is there anything thing else?


Yep love watching them. I like to watch my happy cartoons when i'm feeling sad. I love a scary movie but never by myself. That be way to scary. I love sci fi. Not to keen on blood and guts tho. I love to watch them in bed all snuggled up ;o)


csi vegas without a doubt. Cartoons def in the mornigs.


I've not read in a long time. Last thing i read was harry potter. Thats shocking if i say so myself. I really need to start reading again what happend.. i just don't know. I even gave all my books away. I thought to myself why have them sitting here on a shelf when someone could and should be reading them. So that was that i gave every single one of them away.


My grandmother. She was amazing. I miss her.

My Blog


I need a change.  My feet are itchy and i keep looking at holiday specials.  I need to be challenged visually.  I need to get off my huge ass and challenge myself creativly.  Somet...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:37:00 PST


I just got one of my tattoos redone. I have to addmit i was scared as hell to get it fix.  Some of the colour fell out.  My tattoo artist admitted she is scared in tattoo...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:36:00 PST


I tell you i can not wait to go blonde.  I've missed it.  I've been every colour there is to be and tell you what blondes do have more fun. Got me staf dinner friday should be exciting ;o)&n...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:23:00 PST


Oh my.  I got the fright of my life tonight.  I was in my studio had been working there for over an hour tonight.  Did some ironing the walked acrosss the room and was pining ...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 03:08:00 PST


I get my hair cut next friday.  About time i say, i'm sick of looking like a stage mum on acid.  It serves myself right. I should not have gotten into a bad mood that day, and i should...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 04:23:00 PST


Its wednesday the middle of the week and what can i say i have two more days till i can go dancin.  It like chinese tourture i find myself dancin in the isles at the supemarket.  I don't min...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 03:36:00 PST


Its come at last my bday weekend.  I'm excitied. Think i'll start a day early.    The aim for the weekend is to be total white trash. Something that i think myself and my friends can ac...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 12:44:00 PST


I went to the boy from oz on Sunday.  It was FANTASTIC we had a carpark right next to the door, drinks and yum yum food.  I was spoiled rotten.  Oh yer the show was not bad.  Tell ...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:41:00 PST

yep, things just happen

I have to say that my pre bday weekend is far better than my bday weekend number one.  It's no fun when you have friends that are muted with each other and others that just well want to be alone....
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 03:15:00 PST

WHat i want to be when i grow up

I decided what i want to be today when i grow up.  I want to be Blondeeee with killer shoes.  Impossible you might say, nothing is impossible i say.  I think a blind man would beleive i...
Posted by RANDOM STRANGER on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 02:09:00 PST