I LOVE my 24 hour party weekends.
I LOVE my 24 hour party friends.
I LOVE me :O)Creating things. Finding unique tags on the street. Taking photos. Going out. Random thoughts and moments. I want to learn pole dancing. Watching people fall over!
Your Quirk Factor: 74%
You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal.
No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average."
How Quirky Are You?
Someone who can laugh.Someone who can make me laugh. Someone who dosen't mind tripping someone over.Someone who thinks i'm funny.Someone who doesn't tell people that I'm funny.Someone who knows never to wear white socks with black pants.Someone thats never eaten Sushi but is willing to try.Someone who will wear a dress.Someone who doesn't get offended by racist remarks.Someone who can smile.Someone who won't make me cry.
Dance is there anything thing else?
Yep love watching them. I like to watch my happy cartoons when i'm feeling sad. I love a scary movie but never by myself. That be way to scary. I love sci fi. Not to keen on blood and guts tho. I love to watch them in bed all snuggled up ;o)
csi vegas without a doubt. Cartoons def in the mornigs.
I've not read in a long time. Last thing i read was harry potter. Thats shocking if i say so myself. I really need to start reading again what happend.. i just don't know. I even gave all my books away. I thought to myself why have them sitting here on a shelf when someone could and should be reading them. So that was that i gave every single one of them away.
My grandmother. She was amazing. I miss her.