I enjoy dancing.. which is my first love. Music is my second music. Writing is my third. I love to express my feelings through journal writing and poetry. I love to go the park in atlanta and gather my thoughts for the week and compile all of my life experiences . I also enjoy reading books, especially history novels and money management.( Got to keep the finances tight!!). I also enjoy spending time with my family and those most important to me( You know who you are) and learning new and innovative things.
Maxine Waters, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Barak Obama,and a host of other people who make an influential difference within the world...
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I enjoy all types of music... from Neo Soul to Hip Hop. I love old-school R&B( probably why everyone says I have an old soul.) I love to listen to good rap music, not all the dance hits that they got coming out of Atlanta. But I do enjoy alittle alternativeand rock every now and then.
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A Time to Kill, Friday, Bourne Identity,Catch Me If You Can, and a whole lot more!!
Golden Girls, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Martin, Seinfield, Girlfriends
The MisEduation of the Negro, The Bible, Oedipus Rex, Cashflow, Who Stole My Cheese, Rich Dad Poor Dad
Anyone who has had a major influence on my life to make me the strong woman that I am today!!!