Many things inspire me about my life, and other peoples lives. So one interest would be people. Other things that interest me are blindless activities. I love outragous and reflective interests. Anything that pushes my envelope, my mind, and my body. I'm not into Hollywood film , but I will watch independent film. Due to the nature, budget, and actor/actress appearances in a independet film inspires me. Hollywood films are overated and pointless to me. Don't get me wrong I have seen many hollywood films over the years and would rather forget. My friends are another, and of course Mike Ness of Social Distortion. He is a thinker of great respect, and so am I. Great minds think alike.
Anyone who kick's ass, and stands up tall is on my level. embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src=" ller/scroller-sign.swf" enableJavaScript="false" FlashVars="bt=Can someone give me a break%20&cl=rainbow3&x=1%2030%2011%2011%200%2026%204 %2011%2033%2026%2036%2030%200%2011%208%200%2026%2031%20" quality="high" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="000000" width="380" height="50" name="scroller-sign" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""
I love a little bit of everything, but I stick to my roots with punk. I still love and have a great passion for electronica. Music is expressive in every genre and in every form.
Anything independent. But my favorite movie is Run Lola Run.......
I don't watch much tv. If I do it is educational programs like the History Channel, TLC, Discovery, etc. I like these channels because it keeps my mind in check.
To many to talk about. But I love to read.
The Pill Chaser. "aka" Pacman. And yes it is a real arcade classic on my page that is playable. I can't beleive how much Pacman eats.