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Free my 12th grade english teacher!http://video.nbc4.com/player/?id=96041

About Me

My name is melanie im a massage therapist working out of a spa in the largo, md area. i also do PROFESSIONAL house calls!! no kids, no man, no stress, and currently not looking for neither 3. im just lookin for friends. o and wish me a happy birthday feb 9 .. im finally legal to buy liquor!!!!

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

First Name: Melanie
Middle Name: Genelle
Birthday: feb 9 86
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Fav color: pink
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: crabs
do you ever wish you had another name? yes genelle
Do you like anyone? Larry johnson the football player
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? sharnia
Who's the loudest? sharnia
Who have you known the longest of your friends? farren
Who's the shyest: melvin
Are you close to any family members? yes all of them
When you cried the most: at my fathers and my aunts funeral
What's the best feeling in the world: telling my sister i love her
Worst Feeling: see my family in pain
Let's walk on the: bitches that make my brother is riches
Let's run through: the mall
Let's look at the: hoes on k st
What a nice: wee wee you have
Where did all the: juice go
Why can't you: just robb the bank once
Silly, little: bitch
Tell me: how pretty i am
Ran away from home: no
Pictured your crush naked: yes
Skipped school: yes but i had a pass to skipp
Broken someone's heart: yes
Been in love: yes
Cried when someone died: all the time
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes
Done something embarrassing: yes
Done a drug: yes
Cried in school: yes
Your Good Luck Charm: mike belly
Person You Hate Most: edward sr. walter, neal,
Best Thing That Has Happened: i moved back to waldorf to be buy the people i love most
Ice Cream: reeses
WHO Makes you laugh the most: melvin
Makes you smile: angel
Has A Crush On You: hell if i no
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: larry johnson. sean p
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Kissed two people in the same day?: yes
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no
Been rejected: . yes
Been in love?: yes
Been used?: yes
Done something you regret?: yes
Cheated on someone?: yes
Been called a tease: yes
You touched?: melvin
You talked to on the phone?: my manger
You hugged?: my mommy
You instant messaged?: mike
You kissed?: my mommy
You yelled at?: bf
Who text messaged you?: angel
Who broke your heart?: bf
Who told you they loved you?: angel
Number of things in my Past I Regret: alot


My Blog

how to catch a cheaten man

1.) NEXTEL NEXTEL NEXTEL  buy him a nextel ..they are the best for tryin to find out if your man is cheaten   a.) moblie locator   b.) you can see what number he's called the very same...
Posted by redbone since 1986 bitch since 2006 on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 10:40:00 PST