Sunday May 25th, 4-7:30 PM
Tuesday May 27th, 6-9 PM
Or by appointment: email [email protected]
Open Auditions for new plays by John Manno and Russ Bickerstaff. Performing July 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 24 and 25 at the Alchemist.
No experience necessary. Any age, race, gender. Dedication required. Prepared monologues encouraged. Cold reads available. No appointment necessary, just show up in the time frame.
Don't miss this opportunity to get involved with Milwaukee's Premier DIY, all-original works, no holds barred theatre company. If you've never acted before, this is a great chance to start out with a small role in a short play at an informal venue. If you've never acted with Insurgent Theatre before, you should try it. We're merging fun and work like a giant milkshake of existential and artistic fullfillment.
We are Insurgent Theatre , our goal is to galvanize and politicize theatre from the ground up in this city. For more up-to-date news and information, see our website. Here's the preview article by Riverwest Currents promoting the Plight of the Ruling Class show and talking more about WHO we are.
We acheive this goal by Broadening and Deeping the relationship between theatre and the city of Milwaukee. Broadening by bringing theatre to people and people to theatre. We bring non-theatre people into production and produce theatre that is affordable and appealing to the mass public. Deepening by starting from scratch. From the ground up: our writing, production, fundraising, promotional design and networking with like-minded theatre groups are all locally based.
We started producing original plays whenever we had something worth producing a couple of years ago, under the name s-martkino. We've been steadily expanding and doing more frequent and more challenging productions.