my lovely nicholas ♥. art. photography. film. theater. bicycles. laughing. maya. painting. gnomes. painting gnomes. spicy food. sushi. night. the beach. running. nature. hiking. animals. late nite delirium. yabyum. travels. quantum superpositioning. supernatural realms. museums. reading. music. sexy musical solos. pin-up girls. good conversation. cloud watching. star gazing. passionate intensity. knowledge. dancing. wreckin in the pit. power tools. purple irises. camping. bottle caps. philosophy. the surreal. sunlight. enlightenment. cape cod chips. skulls. buddha. dreams. dreams i can paint. adventures. cultural exploration. secret handshakes. these fleeting moments.
the dalai lama. visionaries, dreamers and storytellers. TAHITI. good-hearted and open-minded individuals. other than that i've met my match. ♥
"I can only think of music as something inherent in every human being - a birthright. Music coordinates mind, body and spirit." -Menuhin
take a listen to me jukebox...
planet terror/death proof. amelie. true romance. dandelion. science of sleep. gangster no. 1. lunacy. naked lunch. easy rider. eraserhead. i heart huckabees. riding giants. step into liquid. donnie darko. the anarchist's cookbook. basquiat. iron monkey. city of the lost children. heavy metal. trainspotting. waking life. ninja scroll. legends of the fall. city of god. fear and loathing. pulp fiction. baraka. delicatessan.
currently reading
on the road. dharma bums. junky. electric kool-aid acid test. invisible monsters. lullaby. life of pi. heart of the buddha's teachings. bleachy-haired honkey bitch. smack. monkey wrench gang. candide. the stranger. dharma punx. socrates cafe. factotum. ham on rye. faust. endgame. in cold blood. how to make love like a porn star. metamorphosis.
kerouac. william burroughs (most all of the beat writers). charles bukowski. tom wolfe. chuck palahniuk. steven king. emily dickinson. wordsworth. jung. edward abbey. albert camus. thich nhat hanh. franz kafka. goethe. tolstoy. rumi. voltaire. poe.