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The Seeker: The Dark is Rising
This movie had so much potential. It looked like it was a unique story with magic and power. A classic good verses evil movie. The kid is the seventh son of a seventh son. That makes him the chosen one, The seeker. A seeker can sense and 'seek' the signs of light. Which are basically little jewels that represent different chunks of power that are apart of the light. (The good stuff) This horse guy represents the dark. He wants the signs because if the seeker has all of them, the seeker will be too powerful for him to stop him in his plan to cover the world in darkness. Okay, My good opinion... This movie was a decent movie.... Now for my DEB!! opinion. The kid in this movie was a complete retard! "Oh, I only have five days to find the signs! Oh, but I'll stay home most of the time and do nothing while the bad guy is destroying the world. OH! I have super powers including moving things with my mind and creating and controling fire?! Oh, but I wont use them... only when I'm throwing a temper tantrum and blow up trees. OH NO!! The bad horse dark guy is killing my friends and family and fighting me!! Oh, I'll decide NOT to use my powers when I need them the most because I ate paint chips when I was younger and I enjoy a nice cup of kick me in the butt every morning while bashing myself in the face with a hot iron. Did I mention I have two old guys following me like pedafiles? Sounds adventurous!! It's okay though, They're protecting me! I enjoyed this movie until AFTER he realized he had powers. The powers must have given him the ability to be incredibly stupid. Go watch the movie and see what I mean.