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Good morning starshine, the Earth says, hello

About Me

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In a nutshell I am a high energy, free-spirited,optimistic person. I'm usually up for anything and I LOVE spontaneity.P.S. I ADORE MY FAMILY!
Which Rock Chick Are You? Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Lovers card. The Lovers card is about union. Each of us carries in our DNA the ability to be the opposite of what we think we are. Often our romantic attachments grow out of awe and respect as we see in another the characteristics we repress in ourselves. Society often presses us into molds of what it thinks masculinity and femininity should be. As a result, many of us associate with our gender certain positive characteristics and call others negative, when if these same qualities were held by a person of the opposite sex, our attitude towards them would be reversed. Getting in touch with our inner animus and anima, (Jung's terms for our inner male and female), allows us to see the whole of our personalities in a positive and constructive light. When you draw The Lovers card in a reading, you are working with balancing these forces. Depending on where the card is, you have either achieved balance or need to. The Lovers could indicate a romantic or even a platonic relationship. Ask yourself is this is a positive relationship that contributes to your growth as a complete human being, or if it fills an emotional craving within you that is actually detrimental to your personal growth. Image from: The Iranian artist Riza. em=50.164
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Which Trainspotting Character Are You?

My Interests

What Color Is Your Aura?
Your aura shines Green!
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I'd like to meet:

so many people


Punk Rock is my first music love and will always be in my heart and head. Taking Back Sunday, Akaline Trio, Umphrey's Mcgee.Keller Williams.Bright Eyes.Ben Harper.Dispatch.311.NIN.Tori Amos.Grateful Dead.Death Cab for Cutie.Postal Service.Less Than Jake. Social Distortion.Naked Raygun.Pegboy.Allister.Ataris.Yellowcard.The Cure.Jack Johnson.Placebo.Underworld.Lyrics Born.Blackalicious.MMW.Bella Fleck.Phish.Tribe called Quest.O.A.R.Foo Fighters.The Shins.Smoking Popes.Massive Attack.My Morning Jack.Radiohead.Placebo.David Grey.Poe.Pink Floyd.Sublime.Phil Lesh.The Doors.Led Zepplin.No Use for a Name, New Found Glory, Decendents, All, and the list could seriously go on.. and..on.. and..on


Boondock Saints.Bronx Tale.Casino.The Squid and the Whale.Miller's Crossing.Graden State.Reqiuem for a Dream.Anything Else.Annie Hall.Old School.Fight Club.Interview with the Vampire.Road Trip.A Christmas Story.Closer.Rules of Attraction.Donnie Darko.Can't Buy me Love.Pretty in Pink.Carlito's Way.Walk the Line.A History of Violence.Festival Express.Stand By Me.Alice in Wonderland.Ten Things I Hate About You.The Italian Job.Trainspotting. And so many more...I love movies.


Soprano's.Aqua Teen Hunger Force.Simpsons.Scrubs.Family Guy.Sex in the City.Daily Show


The Perks of Being a Wall Flower.American Skin.On the Road. Those are the top three...I love reading and i love receiving good book suggestions. (hint, hint)


Everyone is my life has something that inspires me each and everyday..I can't just pick one.