Brian aka Big Country profile picture

Brian aka Big Country

I am here for Friends

About Me

I work on the Tony Bruno Show and they call me Big Country. We're on all over on Sporting News Radio.

New Bahamas commercial is airing but I just stand there :(

My Interests

Your Political Profile:
Overall: 60% Conservative, 40% Liberal
Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Your Girl Parts Are Named:
Box Lunch at the Y Girl Parts Name Generator
You are White Chocolate
You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated! What Kind of Chocolate Are You?


You Should Travel to China
China can satisfy your craving for many travel opportunities in one trip.
You can hang out in modern Shanghai, walk along the great wall, or visit sacred mountains. What Asian Country Should You Visit?


Your German Name is:
Nikolaus Thorsten What's Your German Name?


You are 87% Aquarius
How Aquarius Are You?


Which Trainspotting Character Are You?
You Are Most Like Heidi Klum
Girl next door vibe with top model looks Which Victoria's Secret Angel Are You?