Music, Guitar, Drums, Baseball, Hiking, Traveling, Camping, Watching Bad movies, Photography, Making Movies, and I want to get back into biking this summer. Been a while.
People from the past and people from the present. Actually, people from the future would be interesting!
Sonic Youth - 1349 - Left for Dead - Nile - Death - The Breeders - Pixies - Portishead - Carcass - Richard Einhorn - Zombi - Circle of Dead Children - Arsis - Chokehold - Creation is Crucifixion - Cursed - Opposition - Sunny Day R.E. - Assuck - Journey - My dying Bride (Like Gods of the Sun and before) - David Bowie (Thanks Georgia) - His hero is gone - Napalm Death - Iron Maiden - Summoning - Slayer (Divine Intervention and before) - Massive Attack - Blue Cheer - Peter Gabriel - Megadeth - Discordance Axis - Dj shadow - and a million others. Ohh yeah, And the incredible experimental keyboarding of Mr. Kuhn!
Recently - Robocop 1 and 2 - My Dying Bride Live in Belgium (1996). My all time favorite movies are all trilogies (ironic). Star Wars, Indiana Jones (Last Crusades is my favorite movie of all time) and Back to the future( I grew up with it like all the others, so back off!!). I love Zombie movies and Martial arts movies. Original Chain saw massacre is the best horror movie of all time.
ahhhh, not a fan. Love to watch Baseball though. Big ol' Red Sox fan.
Yes, I've read some.
My great parents.