For countless hours of entertainment and education. You'll be missed...
Pearl Jam, Audioslave, Butch Walker, Seether, Metallica, Rob Zombie, The Rat Pack, U2 and a bunch of other bands that I can't mention due to certain restraining orders.
For those of you that really know me, you know I don't care for movies. And for those of you that really really know me, you know that I'm lying out me arse! Anything directed by Orson Welles or Stephen Soderbergh, Interview w/ the Vampire, Shaun of the Dead, Amelie, Jaws, Donnie Darko, Crash...this could on and on and on....and on ...and on....
The Simpsons, The X-files, Friends...and at the risk of sounding gay, Will and Grace. It's tough to watch tv when you don't have cable. Thank Buddha for tv shows on DVD!!!
Recent reads...A Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking, New Rules by Bill Maher, Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruku Murakami