I'm Erika
I'm 14 years old
Dark brown hair
Brown Eyes
I'm tanned[Summer]
I live in Magog
Average Height
Alexander Galt
I Live for TheSquareOfLove♥
Basketball, Dancing && Snowboarding♥
My boyfriend..Jeremy..I Love You Sooo Much♥
OMG I love this girl so much...If you want to have fun, Danna is the best person to hang out with. We have so many crazIE moments together..Basketball Camp 06..Puddle Jumping..Bobo's Party..MusicFest♥..&Many More. I never met someone who acts so much like me before, we are sisters from another father lol. She is super pretty && nice. I don't know what I would do without you, you've helped me through so much and you know I will always be there for you no matter what!!! I Love You Cookies♥
I never met a guy as fun to be with as you especially when your drunk haha. When I had problems you were always the first guy to want to help out and you were always the biggest sweetheart about everything, besides when you make fun of my stupidness lol. You are pretty damn agressive for a tall skinny man lol;)...I hope you and Danna last a while, you guys are the cutest couple ever!!! I Love You Bee♥
My Teddy♥
I Love You So Much! I seriously don't know what I would do without you. You are the best boyfriend a girl could ever have. I never met a guy like you in my life. Your super duper hott && you are the biggest sweetheart ever...I will never forget our special places;). You mean everything to me and I never want to lose you! I may have my 'Special' moments lol but I know you will always love me for who I really am... Forever&&Always Baby♥
In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away.