Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
spending time with my friends.
Edward R. Murrow, Dave Brubeck, Johnny Cash,
ill listen to anything once or twice....if i like it, ill listen to it twice and more... Im a sucker for a good riff, and a drum solo. vocals drums and guitar are all important, but most of all, i love a distictive sound... in other words, I dont listen to bands that sound like everything else...which is why i hate emo/screamo, almost everything rap (with a few exceptions) electronica and most techno(except for the sunday night mashup on oRock 105.9 w/ DJ Sandy :P) Death metal, scream music, i can sort of stand opera, but it depends on which one it favorite style to play would be Funk, jazz and rock...
If its got good acting, a good plot that avoids predictable cliches...its a fair bet ill like it.
heroes, supernatural, Mythbusters, Survivor man, Man vs. Wild,
eh...haven't read much lately
My pops, hes helped me through alot of stuff over the years...