Gordy profile picture


The rest of my life starts now....and now....and now

About Me

Well, I'm 6' 5" have brown hair and brown eyes with a hint of hazel, i like drumming, drawing, hangen' with friends. I'm one of the few people staying home for a part of college, so ill be here for the next two years. I'm always up for shindigs and shenanigans (get-togethers and crazy stuff i should probably think twice about but don't). God is number one in my life, and though we've had our rough patches, i don't know where i would be without him. I enjoy music and have been playing the drums for about 2 years now, i can play the trombone, but its been a while; and i want to play the guitar i have (its from the 70's or something) but i seriously need lessons :p. I try to live by a code of ethics, but it gets harder and harder with every passing day, and ive had my share of slip ups. my list of regrets in life is currently out stripping my list of non-regrets, but im hoping that will change soon.

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My Interests

spending time with my friends.

I'd like to meet:

Edward R. Murrow, Dave Brubeck, Johnny Cash,


ill listen to anything once or twice....if i like it, ill listen to it twice and more... Im a sucker for a good riff, and a drum solo. vocals drums and guitar are all important, but most of all, i love a distictive sound... in other words, I dont listen to bands that sound like everything else...which is why i hate emo/screamo, almost everything rap (with a few exceptions) electronica and most techno(except for the sunday night mashup on oRock 105.9 w/ DJ Sandy :P) Death metal, scream music, i can sort of stand opera, but it depends on which one it is...my favorite style to play would be Funk, jazz and rock...


If its got good acting, a good plot that avoids predictable cliches...its a fair bet ill like it.


heroes, supernatural, Mythbusters, Survivor man, Man vs. Wild,


eh...haven't read much lately


My pops, hes helped me through alot of stuff over the years...