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quit gallivanting around!!

About Me

I love life

I hate people (no, I don't hate you :)

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My Interests

I like to appreciate things. It's what I do best, and what I do always. Also, EATING, gaming, adult swim, sharing ideas, indulging the senses, TaeKwonDo, my dog, philosophy, Quake, fighting the war against evil


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I'd like to meet:

Socrates, Leonardo DaVinci, Jesus, Ralph Waldo Emmerson, Descartes, Timothy Leary, The Buddha, Kurt Cobain, Isaac Newton,

I would like to meet and share ideas with ANY great thinker...

adopt your own virtual pet!


I love all music. My personal favorites might be The Beatles, Nirvana, Zep, Peter Gabriel, Metallica, Faith No More, Beethoven, Outkast, Gomez, Floyd, Radiohead, Umphrey's Mcgee, and Beck. Also NIN, Black Eyed Peas -b4 they sold out, Gorillaz, Do or Die, The Doors, Tool, Joe Walsh, the Dead, Twista, Pearl Jam, A Perfect Circle, basically most early 90's music, I appreciate all music, and I love most.


LOTR -the most entertaining 10 hours of your life, Stay, Braveheart, first Matrix, Predator, Gladiator, the Passion -which you don't have to believe in god to appreciate, Hero, Pi, Grandma's Boy, Borat, anything Schwarzenegger, Little Miss Sunshine, Legend, Blood Diamond, many more. I love 80's movies.


The Venture bros., Family Guy, the Office, the Simps -yea still.., Lost, Globe Trekker, Futurama, Nature, Anthony Bourdain, Man vs. Wild, Robot chicken, pretty much anything on Adult Swim,

this speaks for itself
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I like to increase knowledge. That's why I tend to prefer magazine and newspaper articles over books. One day when my life is more organized, I will have the patience to sit down and enjoy reading stories/novels as a pasttime. I read a book called "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance," and so far it's my favorite. I also love Stephen King, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, others...



any good person

Descartes did something that most people are afraid to even consider. I think for many, going "crazy" is one of their biggest fears. Even when suffering in the worst of circumstances, people go forward cause they still have the beauty in their minds that noone can touch. Consciousness is very delicate, and often taken for granted. Descartes risked everything, including all the beauty in his mind since he abandoned all that he knew, in order to start over with a single truth - "I think, therefore, I am..." - to build further truth upon. That, my friends, takes guts.

My Blog


POTHEAD OR STONER?You are the MIGHTY POTHEAD!*STONER- Lights a cigarette just before your ready to light up. *POTHEAD- Knows that there is a cipher and a cig will disrupt that and is best left for the...
Posted by claytron on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 04:54:00 PST