life, death, and everything in between
Naada yoga
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Tantra, Vajrayana, Tamang Shamanism, Inka Shamanism, Advaita Vedanta, Kundalini, Shiva-Shakti, Kali-Ma, God, Vibration, Sound Healing, Organic vegetarian Cooking, Tea, Herbal Healing
kind, good vibing people who love exploring and sharing the secrets of the universe. healers, shaman, revolutionaries, gardeners, plant lovers,yogis
music is the voice of nature because she does not speak as we do,
art is the action of the cosmos when we cannot percieve it with our eyes
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waking life, what the bleep do we know, any documentaries that teach me how to dissolve the self into infinite consciousness
life is not defined by sitcoms and reality tv shows
shamanism, hindu philosophy, mayan culture, the white light, life after death, egypt culture, south america, indigenous anthropology, native american studies, music of all sorts, identifying plants and mushrooms, lots of poetry by many different authors (rumi, hafiz)
anyone who recognizes the true nature of their consciousness