Tennis, hockey, skiing, guitar, watching boys in spandex (Angie loves the wrestlers too!), movies, maybe the violin, getting new cell phones, probably shopping too (no matter how girly that makes me sound), running with my dog, dancing in the rain, singing (even though i suck at it), in the shower, preschoolers
adopt your own virtual pet!
there are so many that i can't think of now, but i like anything except country and my favorite is any kind of rock. I'm obsessses with the ramones and relient k right now.
Breakfast Club, the Notebook, Zoolander, Grease, Spiderman, and that's it except for every comedy EVAH and There's Something about Mary. I hate caps rules.
Gilmore Girls and American Idol and Will and Graceand and extreme makeover home edition (emily started me on that) and that's pretty much all the tv i watch
there are so many, but my top three are probably The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Gone With the Wind, A Walk to Remember
OPRAH!!!! (i guess i watch that too)