I am interested in cars, rap/rock music, girls, partying, computers, cool clothes, good food, myspace, videogames, cell phones, animals (dogs esp.), bars/clubs, designer jeans, monster energy drink Ebay, working out, ETC.
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I listen to Rap mostly, however I can rock out every now and then. Shout out Ta G-Unat, Dipset, Grand Hustle, Badboy South, & Shady Records!
Saw, Saw 2, Road Trip, Dumb and Dumber, The Hills Have Eyes, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Half Baked, Cheech and Chong "Up In Smoke", Harold and Kumar, Fast and the Furious, Gone In 60 Seconds, Predator, etc.
Bengals, Family Guy, The War at Home, 70's Show, Simpsons, WWE, anything on mtv or mtv2 (my tv stays on all day and all night on MTV2)