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Having Epic Adventures! Shooting stuff, Kung Fu, Zombies, Imperialism (fuck yeah), Politics, Anime, Proper speaking of the English Language, Computers and all the whimsical things I can do with them... Saving this country.
The truth is I don't really want to meet anyone... Though if I had to meet a girl...
I'm picky and the odds of finding what I want are minimal so to hell with it... Petite brunette, smart (A must!), mildly conservative (yeah right like those exist anymore), and isn't so helpless that she can't hold off some ninjas while I get back on my feet... is that so much to ask?:: Clicks Search:: . . . . . . . . ::"2 Results":: . . . :: Result 1- "404 Not Found" Result 2- "Redirected to"::. . . . . . . . Damn... The pool of individuality is smaller than I thought! Guess I'll just die alone...
How Love-Smart are you?
Young Einstein!
When it comes to love you know your stuff. It's obvious that you understand how the opposite sex think, what they like and how you can make them happy. Hey why don't you rewrite the book of love!
Your Element Is Earth
You excel at planning and strategizing.
You could be a champ at chess or Survivor.Well grounded, you are able to be realistic and rationalize.
On the inside, you have a hard core. It's tough to phase you.You are super productive, and you are able to think anything through.
Focused and super charged, your instincts are a good guide for your next step.
Epic Music, Very selective Contemporary Music, I like what ever sounds good to me regardless of what it is or where it came from... May anyone who disagrees with this musical philosophy burn in Hell... (You know who you are...)
Action, Horror (Not teen idiot horror, the good kind), Epic, Anime
24, Family Guy, Futurama, Daily Show/Colbert, Anime in general... I don't watch much TV in the first place, this is the bulk of it...
I enjoy reading tons! Especially when its a book that teaches me things... But for some reason its harder to get into books for purely entertainment... But once I'm hooked I'll finish the whole thing in a few days... I also LOVE Manga of various (Awesome!) sorts... Its always a shame they are so damn short...
Jack Bauer, My Father, Motoko Kusanagi, Haruhi!