James profile picture


Even the necessary and legitimate struggle around the world against terrorism is used as a pretext t

About Me

I bet you'd like to know! I am a technically inclined individual working for a small company, performing many different functions. Oh, I am also happily married with two rather oversized puppies. We live in a house out of a dark Brothers Grimm fairy tale.In any case, I'm really on here to keep in touch with friends who would otherwise be unreachable.Here Are Some Desktop Backgrounds I Made

My Interests

I enjoy photography, spending time with friends, getting angry about politics, and the usual long walks on a sunsetting beach while reading a book. That last part was a little tongue-in-cheek.

I'd like to meet:



Yes, I do enjoy it. I am not as picky as I once was. I like to listen to really bad 80's music sometimes and laugh.


I wonder how many people on my space have Shawshank Redemption listed here. A great movie no doubt, but would be a silly choice. I should try to remember to put something obscure up here the next time I see a great indie film.
So I saw a movie last night which is worthy. It is, beyond a doubt, one of the best and funniest movies I have seen in a long time. If you go see one movie this fall, I recommend this one. It's called "Little Miss Sunshine". Here is the trailer:
On another note - why is it such a pain to embed google video in a myspace site?


I admit I watch more than I should, and I certainly watch stuff I shouldn't. I won't mention those, but I will mention one thing I watch a lot this time of year. FOOTBALL!
OK, so I just watched the first episode of a new series last night and I am hooked. It's called "Studio 60" and it'absolutely excellent. The basic premise is a couple of people get hired to save a "Saturday night live" type of show because it had all of it's creative juices sucked out by network executives who were too scared of the FCC and offending anyone to put any skits that had balls on it. Very intelligent,funny show by Aaron Sorkin, creator of the original West Wing and completely different from everything else on right now. Mondays at 10 on NBC. The clip below is from the beginning, where Wes(Judd Hirsch), the executive producer, upset over another good sketch getting cut because it would "offend someone", in this case the religous right, decides to stop a sketch during a live broadcast and go off, resulting in him getting fired and Matt(Matthew Perry) and Danny(Bradley Whitford)getting hired to replace him. This is a great speach and so true... width="320" height="265" ..


I've recently been re-reading a few Tom Robbins books (currently skinny legs and all). I am doing this mostly because I don't have anything else interesting I haven't read and I keep forgetting to get a recommendation or borrow a book from a friend.


Those that are bright and inspired enough to get our blood flowing. We lack the social leaders of previous generations and it shows...