Scrapbooking, hanging out with my family and friends that are here on island, sometimes sewing and knitting, playing video games with my honey, seeing the sights that are here on island, and watching movies if my daughter allows.
Seasons of Gilmore Girls... still waiting for season six to come out so I can watch it. Rio Bravo, My Fair Lady, Robot, Holiday Inn, The Cowboy (John Wayne movies with my husband), How to Lose A Guy in Ten Days, Spiderman's, The Interpreter, The Italian Job... thats all I can think of for now.
Gilmore Girls, 7th Heaven, Friends with my neighbor... these are generally ours or a friends seasons we don't watch much tv. Whats usually on if anythings on during the days is cartoons for my daughter.
The Wedding
Our Lord, my Mom and my husband, Mitchell. I'm also very proud of the marines that are fighting for our freedom and honer those that have lost their lives for it.