Mr. Clarkey....... profile picture

Mr. Clarkey.......

About Me

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I am a hip-hop beat maker slash occasional rap legend, who grew up in the Detroit area.......I started with a pair of 1200's and a vestax at the tender age of 16, quickly becoming a scratching demi-god by age 18, when I decided I was too good and retired due to sympathy for those not on my level.......I started making beats at 19, after I stole my brothers MPC, and and smothered him with a pillow, till he said matei (which mean uncle) in order to take over use of his triton keyboard.....this was the genesis of a shit ton of beats, most of which are crappy, to be made in the next couple of years......weird things started clicking in my head one early morning, and I started to see music visually, which made my beats legendary within all levels of my immediate family.......I have been making beats and occasionally rapping ever since, gradually collecting more keyboards and equipment, while liking rap less and less, due to idiotic backpack nerdy funny style hippies who would show up at every show I went to, and also due to whoever told these same kids they should rap.......whoever you are fuck you........on my page I only have sampled beats, which I generally make in a few minutes, because my attention span like a dwarf without femur's........I am to lazy to get any beats from my keyboards on my page, but hope to one day soon........but I don't need to revolutionize the production game just yet, I seek to further the development of my craft, blah blah blah.......forget everything I wrote, and listen or kill yourself
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My Interests


Member Since: 02/05/2006
Band Members: Elvis, Tupac, Biggie, Big L, Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, janis Joplin, and Leonardo Davinci.........They are all my ghost producers
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Under them....
Sounds Like:A bad idea to categorize, a good idea to listen to, it's time to watch.........ICLICK ON THE PIC TO BLOW UP YOUR INBOX!

Record Label: a href="

My Blog

what's some good music people have heard recently?...

Any tips pointers etc... i have trouble finding a whole lot of decent stuff....... .i think musicians need to not be lazy with their craft now more than ever.........its anyone's game, it is hard b...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 22:32:00 GMT