Art, books, music,food, drawing, people who have compassion for others, poems, animals, psychedelic stuff, different fabrics, nature, children, movies.
People who are open-minded, who are instered in another culture, who has a kind heart, who love Art and creativity, who are into Tibetan Buddism and human rights work.
The Beatles, Neil Young, The Greatful dead,The Yes, The mama and the Papas, Joanie Mitchell, Bob Dylon, Ray Charles, faye wong, Kelly Chan, janis joplin, james brown, john lennon, bluegrass.....
The lord of the Rings, Narnia, Damage, The Unbearable lightness of Being, the interpreter, Anna karenina, some sophie marceau's movies(I forgot about those names in french), La'Etudiant, to live, Lolita, Green Snake, osama, munich...
The Simpsons, Medium.... Exploding TV is the best show ever!!
The Kitchen God's wife, Dune, Joy Luck Club, A small death in Lisbon........
John Lennon, The Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela....or anyone who believes in peace and love, who believes in making this world a better place to be.