~•♥RuBy♥•~ profile picture


Never give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about.

About Me

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Let me see first of all my name is Ruby, i attened school in Santa Rosa I am a Senior whoooooo hooooooooo class of 2007 hell yea the best fucking class I spending time with my family and friends i my parents & jesus christ to death Most of all I my Grandmother Guadalupe (R.I.P)
Myspace Layouts
ItS NoT WhO YoU LoVe, ItS HoW WhEn YoU ReAliZe YoU WaNt tO SpEnd ThE ReSt oF YoUr LiFe WitH ThAt SoMeONe, YoU WaNt ThE ReSt oF YoUr LiFe To StArt As SoOn As PosSibLe If YoU ReAlLy WaNt SoMetHiNg YoU CaN FigUre OuT HoW tO MaKe iT HaPpeN WhEn PeOpLe SeEm tO PuSh YoU AwaY, ThAt's WhEn ThEy NeEd YoU ThE MoSt If YoU AlWaYs TeLl ThE TrUth, YoU WoN't HaVe To ReMemBer AnyThiNg It TaKeS YeArS tO BuiLD uP TrUsT, BuT OnLy SeCoNds To DeStRoY iT If EvErYtHiNg I SaId MaDE YoU SmiLe, I'd TaLk FoReVer The WoRst ThiNG YoU CaN Do FoR LoVe iS tO DeNy iT; So WhEn YoU FiNd ThAt SpEciAl SoMeOnE, Don'T LeT AnYoNe oR AnyThiNg StAnD iN YoUr WaY
Myspace Layouts
You ask what is love? To some love is hurtful to others love is cheerful some say love is love some think love is like a dove is beautiful and caring some say love is just daring love is also like a book you can't judge by it's look. Love is just there I think it shows how you care it's not there to stare love is incredible although it's no edible love is what most want they never know it will haunt what happens when it's over does your heart split in three like a clover next time you ask yourself what is love? Will you think it 's like a glove ready to pull your heart out it will make you pout love is something hiding it's waiting to attack so you better have a comeback. What is love? You tell me... ... ...
Myspace Layouts
I'm ThE LiGhT WhEn YoU CaN't SeE I'm ThaT AiR WhEn YoU CaN't BreAtHe I'm ThAt FeEliNg WhEn YoU CaN't LeAvE SoMe DoUbt, SoMe BeLiEve, SoMe LiE, ChEaT & DeCeiVe So iT's OnLy YoU & Me WhEn YoUr WeAk, I'lL MaKe YoU StRonG, HeRe'S WhErE YoU BeLoNg I AiN't PeRfeCt, BuT I ProMisE I WoN't Do YoU WrOng KeEp YoU AwaY FrOm HaRm My LoVe iS PrOtEctEd I'Ll WraP YoU iN My ArMs So YoU'lL NeVeR FeEl NeGleCteD I'Ll JuSt MaKE YoU AwAre OF WhaT We HaVe iS RaRe In ThE MomEnt Of DeSpaiR, I'm ThE CoUrAgE WhEn YoUr'E ScaReD LoYal, DoWn FoR YoU, SoOn As I SaW YoU WaNtEd tO bE ThEre CaUse I CoUld HolD it DoWn FoR u ThiS iS AlL FoR u, CaUse I SiMpLy AdoRe U
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My Interests

My family and the lord above! i thank god for everything i have in my life he's help me through i lot, ive messed up but that doesnt stop me from anything im still standing on my two feet cause of him, he's the reason im still her and he's the greatest love!!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: ruby
[birthdate]: august 5
[sex]: yes pls hehe jk female
[relationship status]: single
[shoe size]: 7 1/2
[parents still together]: yea
[siblings]: 1 bro and 1 sis
[pets]: dog
[color]: green
[number]: 18 & 24
[time of year]: summer
[type of weather]: cloudy
[food/drink]: fries & sprite
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: yea
[have any tattoos]: not yet
[cheat on tests]: yea
[like scary movies]: heck yes my fav.
[like cleaning]: when im in the mood
[know how to drive a standard]: nope
[own a cell phone]: yup
[collect anything]: just boys hehe jk
[been in a fist fight]: yea
[considered a life of crime]: no
[considered being a hooker]: heck no
[been in love]: yes
[made out with just a friend]: yea
[hurt someone you love]: yes
[kicked someone in the nuts]: yes
[clothing]: black tee with tinkerbell
[hair]: up in a bun
[song you are in love with]: i swear
[cd in your stereo]: chiodos
[mood]: sleepy
[thing you ought to be doing]: out shopping
[first crush]: chris r.
[first kiss]: dont remember
[first love]: Isais
[do you believe in love at first sight]: nah
[do you believe in "the one"]: yea
[are you a tease]: can be
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: yea
[honest]: sometimes
[sarcastic]: yes hehe
[a daydreamer]: yup yup
[up tight or laid back]: im pretty laid back
[messy or organized]: can be both
[shy our outgoing]: outgoing
[nervous habits]: biting my nails
[are you double jointed]: nope
[can you roll your tongue]: yea
[do you make your bed daily]: no
[which shoe goes on first]: right
[bought something]: yup yup
[been sick]: nah
[sang]: yea
[missed someone]: yea
[gotten drunk]: yes
[gotten a haircut]: nope
[watched cartoons]: yea
[been kissed]: yea
[lied]: yup
[you spent the night with]: kristine
[spent the night with you]: tiffany
[saw you cry]: kristine
[made you cry]: silver
[you said "i love you" to]: silver
[told you they loved you]: silver
[the best feeling in the world]: to be with the one you love
[the worst feeling in the world]: not being with the one you love
[your greatest fear]: losing the one you love
[the thing you want most in life]: to have my hopes and dreams come true
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You've been totally Bzoink*d ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
First Name: Ruby
Middle Name: Ann
Birthday: august 5 1989
Eyes: lt. brown
Hair: black..... but right now its like a red orange
Fav color: green
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: mexican food
Do you ever wish you had another name? no why would i ? i love my name
Do you like anyone? not at the time
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? kristine
Who's the loudest? me!
Who have you known the longest of your friends? lucinda
Who's the shyest: gaby r. & alex
Are you close to any family members? yup yup
When you cried the most: when my grandmother died
What's the best feeling in the world: when your with the one you love
Worst Feeling: when someone you love dies
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: halls
Let's look at the: guys nice bod!
What a nice: ass!
Where did all the: beer go?
Why can't you: leave me the fuck alone
Silly, little: rabbit, trix are for kids
Tell me: the truth bitch
Ran away from home: nah what for
Pictured your crush naked: i think everyone has at least once
Skipped school: yea many times
Broken someone's heart: yup yup
Been in love: yea
Cried when someone died: yes
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yes
Done something embarrassing: yea
Done a drug: yes
Cried in school: yes
Your Good Luck Charm: myself, hehe
Person You Hate Most: she know who she is!
Best Thing That Has Happened: lots!
Ice Cream: strawberry
WHO Makes you laugh the most: lots of ppl but sometimes i make myself laugh to haha
Makes you smile: my family and friends
Has A Crush On You: pete
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: nope
Fallen for your best friend?: nah i see him as a bro
Made out with JUST a friend?: yea
Kissed two people in the same day?: yea
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no
Been rejected: . yea
Been in love?: yea
Been used?: no
Done something you regret?: no everything happens for a reason
Cheated on someone?: yea
Been called a tease: yea
You touched?: kenny
You talked to on the phone?: dora
You hugged?: kenny
You instant messaged?: silver
You kissed?: magda
You yelled at?: dad
Who text messaged you?: anthony
Who broke your heart?: sam
Who told you they loved you?: my best friend

what makes a guy want you by jessica610
your name
he thinks your love is true
he feels incredibally in love with you
he loves the way you stare at him when you tell him you love him and that he means more than anything in the world
he wants you more than anything
hes driven by your personality
he feels like he cant breathe when he comes near you, he cant live if you arent with him, and he wants to hold you forever more

Quiz created with MemeGen !

I'd like to meet:

TOM WELLING (he is so f'n hott!)
You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?
How you really say "I love you." by lenatheraven
...believe in true love?
Your hands say With me, you'll never be lost.
Your eyes say You're amazing.
Your hugs say I promise I will try to keep you safe.
Your kisses say You mean the world to me.
Your body says I want to wake up beside you.
Your heart says Je t'aime.

Quiz created with MemeGen !
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I like all types of music, espically country r&b hip hop anything that can make you dance I love to dance


My Movie Personality
My Top Rated Movies

Category My Ratings
Blockbusters OK
Comedies OK
Action OK
Love Great!
More Stuff OK

How do we compare? Take the quiz

Check out my page on Flixster - add me if u r on!
.. FLIXSTER MCT RESULTS END - Well first of all my favorite movie is Four Brothers & 50 First Dates I like chick flicks, drama, romance, action, oh and scary movies love them, & more


Well i harley watch tv but when i do i like to watch Next, My Own, 18 and over on Mun2, Smallville i love smallville and lots more


Books not for me more like Magazines CosmoGirl, Seventeen, J14... yea pretty much all those


Through God all things are possible!!! Philippians 4:13 My mother I her more than anything &&& jesus christ!! Through God all things are possible!!! Philippians 4:13

My Blog

I Dedicate My Heart To You.

Father, I give you my heart, my soul my life. I dedicate my whole being to you. I give you my failures and my successes, my fears and my aspirations. Search my heart. Let my thoughts and motavations b...
Posted by ~"♥RuBy♥"~ on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:13:00 PST

Help Me Forgive

I've been hurt again, Lord. Not only me, but the ones I love. I'm angry at the cruelty. I know there is no remorse. If the ones who hurt me had it to do again, they'd do the same things. I want to las...
Posted by ~"♥RuBy♥"~ on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 03:33:00 PST

Th!s !s WhAt Us G!RI!S m3aN bY tH!S:

WHEN I RUN AWAY FROM YOU- CHASE MEWHEN I POUT MY LIPS- i want u to kiss meWHEN I KICK & PUNCH- i want u to tell me its gonna be alrightWHEN I CALL YOU A LOSER- u are a loser but i like itWHEN I AM...
Posted by ~"♥RuBy♥"~ on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 07:53:00 PST

Last night i had a dream.................................

Last night i had a dream of my grandmother that passed away 3 months ago, she was in my dream only her she asked me to go with her she had her hand out and asked me and i did not say a word to her she...
Posted by ~"♥RuBy♥"~ on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 05:37:00 PST

Yup Yup/ CLASS OF 2007

Hey whats up guys just wanted to hi to all of you all yup and i love you guys take care god bless!!! Yea so im just here i felt like writing and stuff so yea, schools like on monday and woo i cant wai...
Posted by ~"♥RuBy♥"~ on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 05:29:00 PST

I really miss my grandmother

Missing you is hard to forget But the memories and good times I will not regret Missing you is like missing the sun Without its dark and never funMissing you is hard for me, Its hard for me and t...
Posted by ~"♥RuBy♥"~ on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 06:12:00 PST