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he weeps because he has but one small tongue with which to taste the entire world

About Me

i'm trying to figure this out for myself.

My Interests

writing, reading, no-limit texas holdem, yoga, dancing, flirting, first kisses, drinking, teaching, film, literary theory, cooking, hosting parties, attending parties, playing kickball with the most attractive team in the league -- Go Orange Jews!
Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

I'd like to meet:

people who love unconditionally, who respect other people inherently, who know that kindness is the best gift you can give, who can reserve judgement without reserving attention, who laugh out loud when something is funny, who are not afraid to cry, who can appreciate me, warts and all. luckily, i already know a bunch of people who fit this bill.


The Dresden Dolls, Sarah McLaughlin, Elvis Costello, Kate Bush, Concrete Blonde, Violent Femmes, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Beatles, Ben Folds, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, Neko, Case, Donna Summers, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell, Tracy Chapman, Louis Armstrong, Cold WAr Kids, Bobby Darin, the Strokes, Paul Simon, REM, the Police, Roy Orbison, Etta James, Regina Spektor, the Arcade Fire, the walkmen, The Strokes, yeah yeah yeahs, Tristan prettyman, Elliot Smith, NOFX, Radiohead, Wilco


The Big Lebowski, History of the World Part I, Dr. Strangelove, The Breakfast Club, Comic Book Movies (Superman, Batman, X-Men, Spiderman, etc), Harold & Maude, The Monty Python Movies, The Squid and the Whale, Arsenic and Old Lace, The Philadelphia Story, Some Like it Hot, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, The Princess Bride, Airplane!, Royal Tenenbaums, the Mel Brooks oeuvre, Bubba Ho Tep, I Heart Huckabees,Amelie, Run Lola Run, Annie Hall, Donnie Darko, TransAmerica, Pan's Labyrinth, American History X, Superbad, No Country for Old Men....lots more!


Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Nip/Tuck, CNN, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Veronica Mars, Robot Chicken, Freaks and Geeks, The Office (BBC), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, Weeds


Faves: Anything by Carole Maso, but especially The American Woman in the Chinese Hat. Good Morning Midnight and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. The Anatomy Lesson, Philip Roth. Guest of a Sinner, Jim Wilcox. Lolita & Palefire, Nabokov. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, Julia Alvarez. As I Lay Dying, Faulkner. Song of Solomon & Beloved, Toni Morrison. Currently reading: His Dark Materials Trilogy by Phillip Pullman(The Golden Compass; The Subtle Knife; The Amber Spyglass). I'm on the the third book and man, they just keep getting better. What I want to read next: Memoirs of a Beautiful Boy


i used to think anyone who was not afraid to love, but now i think anyone who is afraid to love, but does it anyway.

My Blog

courtesy of poetry daily (

Faithless               The tide is full, the moon lies fair              Upon the straits. . .          ...
Posted by coco on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 09:31:00 PST

being nice vs. being good

for years, tommy and i had a standing argument over the following phrasing. i would often say "i was nice." to which, his standard response was "no, you're good." we would banter the semantics of it o...
Posted by coco on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 05:18:00 PST

This poem by Robert Pinksy gave me goosebumps.

Anyone want to talk about it with me?   Poem of Disconnected Parts by Robert Pinksy At Robben Island the political prisoners studied.They coined the motto Each one Teach one. In Argentina the to...
Posted by coco on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 01:09:00 PST

Bruno wrote a poem for me

For Colleen When your mind is like a saturate sponge,You will know what to do.RING IT OUT!Something produced will be metaexistential,A coincarnation. So that when you step on A roach, I will die a li...
Posted by coco on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:17:00 PST

new poem: a litany of accidentals

A litany of accidentals If not for the recent rain on the bent leaves of the banana tree plant.If not for your arm extended, bending the leaves furtherto clear a path. If not for my bare s...
Posted by coco on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 06:33:00 PST

people are good

so i'm sitting on my sofa, browsing through the job opps on the internet hoping to find some meaningful employment and realizing how meaningful my life is because it's chock full of amazing people. ye...
Posted by coco on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 07:47:00 PST

look (new poem)

look depression does not suit herdespite the black hair that sweeps across her faceand the dark blue eyes chipped with shards of yellowshe does not wear it well. you'd think she'd b...
Posted by coco on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 02:17:00 PST

Perspective - thank you kisstopher

I've had a series of setbacks, obstacles, and challenges over the last year and a half. I've usually prided myself on being able to find the silver lining and keep things in perspective. Sometimes tha...
Posted by coco on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:35:00 PST

a new poem

i haven't written in months for a dozen reasons. i just wrote the below draft. only read it over once with very minor edits, but i need to be in dialogue, so i'm prematurely posting. brooke, keep talk...
Posted by coco on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:56:00 PST

Reflection (new poem)

Reflection I thought his body might break in two, when you touched him. The tips of your fingers barely grazed the flesh beneath his shoulder blade and yet he was melting, like wax . His body bent alm...
Posted by coco on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 12:10:00 PST