Music, reading, films, dressing up (I love halloween!), talking etc etc!
John Lennon, Roald Dahl, although I think I'm fighting a losing battle there. Anyone interesting will do.
Liking Audioslave at the minute, heart the Beatles, shamelessly plugging bands I know, Stone-Free and Smiling Politely are both class! Can't be arsed to list bands but I couldn't live without music.
Anything that isn't scary! It has to be good too but I'm a wimp!
E.R (Carter, please come home!) Friends, Lost (far too addictive for my liking) Monty Python (despite the lasck of it on TV)
Just read My Sister's Keeper, my boyfriend threatened to take it away, it made me cry so much! The Handmaid's Tale also really good, again, can't be arsed with lists.
Never really thought about it.
Name: Emma
Birthdate: 06/03/88
Birthplace: Newcastle
Current Location: Newcastle
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5ft6-ish
Weight: Pass!
Piercings: 2 on each ear
Tatoos: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Boyfriend
Overused Phraze: I'm tired!
Food: Pasta
Candy: Not fussed
Number: 16 is quite nice
Color: Turquoise
Animal: Monkey
Drink: Water (how boring!)
Alcohol Drink: After eight cocktails are lush but I can't have them any more sob sob
Bagel: Poppy seed
Letter: S
Body Part on Opposite sex: Lips
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Neither!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BurgerKing if I had to
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Hot Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla if we're talking ice cream
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Hug
Dog or Cat: Cat
Rap or Punk: Don't really swing either way
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Movies
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: Bout 8.30!
Most Missed Memory: Being little when everything was simple!
Best phyiscal feature: My ass! Lol!
First Thought Waking Up: I don't want to go to school!
Goal for this year: Get into Leeds Uni
Best Friends: All of them!
Weakness: Can't say no, I'm a bit of a doormat!
Fears: Failing
Heritage: Scottish/ Irish me thinks
Longest relationship: 18 months
Ever Drank: Yes
Ever Smoked: Yes
Pot: Yes
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been beaten up: No
Ever beaten someone up: No
Ever Shoplifted: No
Ever Skinny Dipped: No
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yes
Been Dumped Lately: No
Favorite Eye Color: Not fussed
Favorite Hair Color: Not fussed again!
Short or Long: Long
Height: Taller than me! Round 6ft is good
Style: One they can pull off!
Looks or Personality: Both
Hot or Cute Both!
Drugs and Alcohol: Not a huge fan of drugs but I permit them to drink!
Muscular or Really Skinny: Somewhere in between
Number of Regrets in the Past: Don't see the point, what's done is done
What country do you want to Visit: As many as possible!
How do you want to Die: I don't! But since I have to, happy
Been to the Mall Lately: Nope
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes!
Get along with your Parents: Yup
Health Freak: No just on weird dairy free diet!
Do you think your Attractive: I don't think I'm that ugly!
Believe in Yourself: Most of the time
Want to go to College: Yes please
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Drink: Yes
Shower Daily: No cos it's bad for my skin
Been in Love: Yes
Do you Sing: Badly!
Want to get Married: One day
Do you want Children: Yup, at least 3
Have your future kids names planned out: No, not yet!
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: I'd have to find it first!
Hate anyone: Nope, can't be arsed