QUINTO SOL profile picture


Cumbia, Roots, Rock, Reggae!

About Me

Music can be contagious, inspiring, and poignant. Quinto Sol (QS), or Fifth Sun, caries that type of emotion and sound - deeply rooted in community and roots music - from the Americas, to the Caribbean and Africa. Having emerged from the artist/activist community of East Los Angeles in 1994, Quinto Sol is roots-reggae at its core, woven seamlessly with Latin rhythms like cumbia, rumba, and son. Quinto Sol is a collective of musicians, inspired to use music as a tool for awareness of socio-political and economic issues facing their community. They do this by translating their own urban realities in every day life and the struggles of indigenous communities in the world, through conscious lyrics and powerful live performances. Nine years after the band's inception, Quinto Sol releases their second independent album and first national release, Barrio Roots. Produced by and arranged by the QS band, and engineered by Johnny Alvarez and Mizraim Leal, the band's lead vocalist and guitar player, Barrio Roots documents music from a period that helped shape what is known today as the East L.A. art "scene"; a contemporary Chicano-inspired arts movement where, incidentally bands like Quetzal and Ozomatli emerged and grew to international popularity. Home, East L.A. or L.A, Quinto Sol is dedicated to planting the seed that let's everyone know where they come from and where they are headed. Currenty in progress is Quinto Sol's third and most anticipated album, "Spirits of the Martyrs". A tribute to all the heroes that fought and died for Land, Love, Peace, and Dignity. - don't forget your roots and culture.we're just trying to give something back that's positive." From the roots-reggae song, "Mexica Tiahui", to the up-tempo cumbia/salsa jam, "Tocani" and the reggae/cumbia/salsa mix "Sangre", Quinto Sol takes you on a world beat tour unlike any reggae band in the music circuit. Having performed with artists, such as: The Wailers, Third World, Inner Circle, Steel Pulse, Eek-A-Mouse, Maldita Vecindad, Jaguares, Malo, Ozomatli, Poncho Sanchez, Puya, Todos Tus Muertos and others, QS's fan base is as diverse as the musical fusion they produce and the bands with whom they've shared the stage; from L.A. to Mexico City and even Japan...Les mando el cd de quinto sol, una banda muy recomendable, 100% latina con raices indigenas, radicada en el este de los angeles, en EUA. EscuchenQuinto Sol nace en 1993 en el Barrio del East Los Angeles. cuando sus integrantes escucharon el mensaje en l a musica d e Bob Marley y se dieron cuenta que la gente d e su comunidad " necesitaba escuchar un mensaje positivo" tambien. Quinto Sol ha compartido los escenarios a lo largo d e los anos con las Bandas mas importantes de la escena Reggae Mundial tales como: ISRAEL VIBRATION, BUJU BANTON,RAS MICHAEL, YAMI BOLO,JR. REID, entre otros.. A demas de compartir escenarios tambien con bandas rockeras dela talla de Bad Brains ,Todos Tus Muertos, Ozomatli , Maldita Vecindad,Aztlan Underground etc.. La banda tambien ha tocado en los festivales mas importantes de Reggae en U.S.A como el "REGGAE ON THE RIVER" , " EL SIERRA NEVADA WOLRD MUSIC FESTIVAL" y en uno de los festivales mas importantes de Japon :" FUJI ROCK" en el 2002 a lado de FIDEL NADAL mientras se encontraban haciendo una gira en Japon donde Compartieron escenarios con Bandas de la talla de CHEMICAL BROTHERS,MANU CHAO, RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS,SKATALITES. Practicamente han recorrido toda la nacion Americana desde New York Hasta Los Angeles, han tocado en varias ciudades d e Mexico acompanando a Fidel Nadal en la gira del 2001. Actualmente la banda se encuentra promocionando su material " Barrio Roots" y terminando de mezclar en el studio su mas nuevo material de la mano de grandes figuras del reggae mundial como "SCIENTIST" entre otros. Recientemente la banda ha sido votada por el afamado Diario L.A. WEEKLY como la banda Latina con mas Impacto en Los Angeles por dos anos consecutivos 2004 y 2005. Sin duda alguna Quinto Sol ha sido pieza clave del moviento de Reggae Latino en Los Estados Unidos a lado de bandas como BIG MOUNTAIN, TOMMY REEL(panama) por mencionar algunos... .. href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczI0My5waG90b2J1Y2 tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL2ZmMjIzL3JhenRlY2ExLz9hY3Rpb249dmlldyZjdX JyZW50PXNud21mMDhmbHllcmJhY2syLTEuanBn" target="_blank"

My Interests


Member Since: 1/11/2005
Band Website: BOOKING & INFO CALL 323-728-8882
Band Members: MIZRAIM LEAL (Lead Vocals, Guitar, Producer, Engineer), , MARTIN PEREZ (Bass), CESAR VILLALOBOS(keyboards), ABEL GONZALEZ (Sax), BERNIE BRAN (Perdcussions/Toys), rc), MARK SPILLER (Drums), JEREMY PARK (Keys), DAVID ORTEGA (Congas/Bongo), TEZOZOMOC (Poetry/Spoken Word)JAQUIN PACHECO(ALTO SAX)MAX O’LEARY(TRUMPET)

Influences: Reggae,Cumbia,Salsa,Jazz,World I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Sounds Like: "Bob Marley meets Sonora Dinamita"

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Quinto Sol - Moonlight

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Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New Songs

Hi everyone, Have you had a chance to listen to our 2 new songs? They were mixed by the legendary Scientist from Jamaica. He is the king of Dub and has recorded bands like Black Uhuru and now Qui...
Posted by QUINTO SOL on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

Long time Fans

Let us know how long you have been a fan and if you remember were you first seen us.
Posted by QUINTO SOL on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST