Grabbing a couple of burgers and hitting the cemetery.So when Napoleon wrote, in his diplomatic letter to Alexander I, "All women in the world would not make me lose an hour," Quinones refuted, not by citing the names of all women in the world, a list that would take three months, six days, and two hours to read, but by simply writing one name: "Marie Louise." And in response to Napoleon's assertion that he had "autre chose a penser que l'amor," Quinones submitted photographs of the uniform Napoleon's troops had worn and a diagram of their battle formations. Every uniform bore the same decorative pin that Marie Louise had given Napoleon when they first met, and when sent to battle, the troops were always deployed in the form of her initials. tupid-haircut.html
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Apocalypse Now, The Royal Tenebaums, Rushmore, As Good as It Gets, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, American Beauty, Gangs of New York, Goodfellas, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2, Lost in Translation, Vanilla Sky
"That was pretty amazing, how you could fuck up a simple maneuver like getting your men across the river. I never saw anything like it. Your moves should be studied in the akademy to originate a Science of Oppositology so that everybody could learn how to do the exact Opposite of you. The rumor is that you're such a total fuck-up, you're a Law of Nature. Tezkatlipoka must be whispering over your shoulder, making sure you turn left every time you're supposed to turn right.""Fuck you, Maxtla. Your mom is so ugly the winos run away when she comes out on the front porch to give them a quarter. Three-legged dogs run around neighborhood yards crying and pissing on themselves to get out of her way. Get your salamander breath out of my face."
The Brothers Karamazov, The Lord of the Rings, You Bright and Risen Angels, The Iliad, Mere Christianity, Dubliners, The Divine Comedy, Hamlet, Middlesex, The People of Paper, Heart of Darkness