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Hey my Name is David..
but call me Daeywid because most of you don't understand my name is speaken in the english way...
I am in love with myself and I love my real friends...
I hate people who tell me I am so amazing but never want to meet me...
even if we are living in the same town...
I love music... without my music I would be lost...
I would live in a world without any color and without any smile...
I am a very nice guy... if you are nice to me I willbe nice to you...
I dont know what to tell you... just talk to me...
Das Leben ist Krieg. Der Krieg hat uns alle leer gemenscht, kaputtgeKRIEGt.
Das Leben ist kein Krieg, sondern Sehnsucht, irgendwas zwischen Verachtung und Liebe!
Dirk BernemannAccounts: