Anna Vain[DQ] profile picture

Anna Vain[DQ]

Kiss me, I'm contagious

About Me

you're all way to stupid to read,
aren't you??

At first:
Talk when you add!And it's always better to talk before you add.
I'm so sick of those non-writing,“OMG i have so many friends but I even dont know half of them“ - friends.
So please stop!I will deny everyone I dont know. I'm serious!

truth or dare?

My Interests

a ddicted to p hotography
& m ake U p

I'd like to meet:

I miss you..

Maybe I'll wake up one day to notice
that all my life was just a dream...
And maybe I'll be better off without you
You left me here with all my thoughts
Why is that distance so close to me?
Why is your violence still hurting me?
Let me say thank you for all that you have given me.
Thank you for everything you've done.
Forgive me for saying one last thing:

I miss you and I hope you hear this song!

Wir denken nie an das was wir haben,immer nur an das was uns fehlt..


4lyn, Afi, all gone dead, alice nine,, alien sex fiend, apoptygma berzerk, astethetic perfection, a perfect circle, bauhaus, bloody dead and sexy, billy talent, birthday massacre, cinema strange, combichrist, d'espairs ray, depeche mode, diary of dreams, dir en grey, dopestars, feindflug, flesh field, fixmer mccarthy, front 242, frankenstein, frank the baptist, funeral for a friend, garbage, gackt, him, horrorpops, incubus, kagerou, katzenjammer kabarett, kilian kamera, kittie, london after midnight, malice mizer, moi dix mois, murderdolls, muse, miyavi, MCR, nine inch nails, nitzer ebb, no doubt, panic at the disco, placebo, psyclon nine, pzycho bitch, rozz williams, schwarz stein, sickdoll, silke bischoff, soko friedhof, sopor aeternus, spillsbury, static-x, the candy spooky theater, the killers, untoten, undercover slut, welle-erdball, wumpscut, xotox.


A ugust R ush
S tardust
C harlie and the C hocolate F actory
K einohrhasen (O.S.T. ♥)
S leepy H ollow
S tadt der E ngel
H earts in A tlantis

My Blog


the fakes I recently know about.No.1No.2 there was also a account of her on myspace,but i cant find it anymore,if you find some 'Anna Vain' from california,this is not memy name on vampirefreaks is/wa...
Posted by Anna Vain[DQ] on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 02:44:00 PST

Mensch = Kunstwerk?

 .. @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } -->'Wow du bist echt ein Kunstwerk.' .. Diesen Satz bekomme ich wohl des öfteren zu hören bzw zu lesen. Wobei das h...
Posted by Anna Vain[DQ] on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:41:00 PST

I had a dream last night

Ich hasse es, ich hasse es mir eingestehn zu müssen,das mir etwas oder jemand fehlt obwohl ich dachte,ich könnte mehr als gut ohne das besagte leben. Meine träume beeinflussen mich doch mehr als ich d...
Posted by Anna Vain[DQ] on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:12:00 PST