Likes puppies, chocolate milk, corn dogs, Dance Dance Revolution, garage sales, punctuation marks, shoes, showtunes, traveling. Dislikes alarm clocks, mustard, yard work. ..
My maker. And these guys. ..
Alison Krauss + Union Station, The Anniversary, The Arcade Fire, The Beach Boys, Bloc Party, Blonde Redhead, The Cure, The Faint, The Flaming Lips, Garth Brooks, Interpol, The Jayhawks, John Mayer, Muse, Old Crow Medicine Show, Outkast, Pavement, The Rewinds, Reynosa, Rilo Kiley, Ryan Adams, Rufus Wainwright, Travis, and Wilco!
American Beauty, Big Fish, Lost In Translation, Masters of the Universe, Match Point, The Royal Tenenbaums, Sideways, Sour Grapes, Steel Magnolias.
Wheel of Fortune
The dictionary, A Separate Peace, Wifey, Ecstasy, Stardust, Neverwhere, The Bumblebee Flies Anyway, Choke, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.), and the complete Nick Hornby library.
Dairy cows, for they provide us with milk and cheese.